Dydd Sul Diogelu 2024
17 TachweddSafeguarding Sunday 2024
17 November17/11/2024, midnight - 18/10/2024, midnight
Ffyrdd y gall eglwysi helpu a gwarchod pobl fregus fydd ffocws Dydd Sul Diogelu eleni.
O wybod sut i sylwi ar a rhoi adroddiad am arwyddion o gamdriniaeth i weddïo dros bob dioddefwr, bydd y diwrnod yn gyfle i gynulleidfaoedd feddwl am yr hyn y mae’n ei olygu i fod yn eglwys ddiogel i bawb.
Mae’r Eglwys yng Nghymru yn nodi Dydd Sul Diogelu ar 17 Tachwedd mewn partneriaeth gyda sefydliad diogelu Cristnogol Thirtyone:eight. Thema eleni yw “Gadewch i Ni Siarad Amdano”, sy’n annog eglwysi i fod yn fwy agored am eu harferion diogelu.
I gymryd rhan yn yr ymgyrch gall Eglwysi gofrestru am becyn adnoddau digidol rhad am ddim yn safeguardingsunday.org sy’n hwyluso cynnal gwasanaeth, neu ran o wasanaeth. Mae’n cynnwys gweddïau, nodiadau ar gyfer pregethau, syniadau am weithgareddau, adnoddau i blant a llawer mwy.
Ways in which churches can help and protect vulnerable people will be the focus of this year’s Safeguarding Sunday.
From knowing how to spot and report signs of abuse to praying for all victims, the day will be a chance for congregations to think about what it means to be a safe church for everyone.
The Church in Wales is marking Safeguarding Sunday on November 17 in partnership with the Christian safeguarding organisation Thirtyone:eight. This year the theme is "Let's Talk About It", encouraging churches to be more open about its safeguarding practices.
The Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, is calling on all churches to take part.
To take part in the campaign Churches can register for a free digital resource pack at safeguardingsunday.org which makes running a service, or part of a service, easy. It includes prayers, sermon notes, activity ideas, children’s resources and loads more.