Cofio COP26 - Ffordd o fyw
Mae’r ffordd rydym yn ei fyw nid yn unig yn effeithio ar ein harian, ac nad yw’n cael ei benderfynu gan ein harian, ond mae ganddo hefyd effaith ar yr hinsawdd. Mae ceisio newid agweddau o’n ffordd o fyw yn gallu teimlo’n frawychus ac efallai’n rhy ddrud pan mae prisiau popeth rydym yn ei brynu’n codi’n uwch ac yn uwch. Eto, mae hyd yn oed camau bychain yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth i leihau ein hôl troed carbon.
Darlleniad o’r Beibl: Luc 12:16-23
Ac adroddodd Iesu ddameg wrth ei ddisgyblion: ‘yr oedd tir rhyw ŵr cyfoethog wedi dwyn cnwd da. A dechreuodd feddwl a dweud wrtho’i hun, “Beth a wnaf fi, oherwydd nid oes gennyf unman i gasglu fy nghydau iddo? ”Ac meddai ‘Dyma beth a wnaf fi: Tynnaf f’ysguboriau i lawr ac adeiladu rhai mwy, a chasglaf yno fy holl ŷd a’m heiddo. Yna dywedaf wrthyf fy hun, "Ddyn, y mae gennyt stôr o lawer o bethau ar gyfer blynyddoedd lawer; gorffwys, bwyta, ŷf, bydd lawen."Ond meddai Duw wrtho, “Yr ynfytyn! Heno y mynnir dy einioes yn ôl gennyt, a phwy gaiff y pethau a baratoist?”Felly y bydd hi ar yr hwn sy’n casglu trysor iddo'i hun a heb fod yn gyfoethog ym mhethau Duw."
Meddai Iesu wrth ei ddisgyblion, ‘Am hynny rwy’n dweud wrthych, peidiwch â phryderu am eich einioes nac am eich corff, beth i’w fwyta na beth i’w wisgo. Onid oes rhagor i einioes dyn na lluniaeth, a rhagor i'w gorff na dillad?’
I ddatgan yr amlwg, nid oedd newid hinsawdd yn wybyddus adeg y Beibl! Eto, mae yna lawer y gallwn ei ddysgu o’r Beibl wrth i ni geisio byw mewn ffordd a fydd o gymorth i gynnal y byd ar gyfer y cenedlaethau i ddod.
Yn y darlleniad o efengyl Luc, mae Iesu’n adrodd yn gyntaf dameg y dyn cyfoethog sy’n storio cymaint o gnydau nes bod angen ysgubor mwy o faint. Ond mae yna atgof miniog, nad ydynt yn gallu mynd gydag ef i’w farwolaeth ac y gofynnir iddo am gyfrif o’i fywyd gan Dduw. Nesaf, mae Iesu’n dweud wrth ei ddisgyblion i beidio â phryderu, gan fod mwy i fywyd na bwyd a dillad; er bod angen y ddau arnom.
Beth yw eich meddyliau chi am y darlleniad yma o’r Beibl mewn perthynas â ffordd o fyw a sut rydym i fyw?
Yn nyddiau cynnar yr eglwys roedd popeth a oedd gan bobl yn cael ei rannu fel nad oedd neb yn llwgu neu mewn angen dillad neu loches. Dros y canrifoedd mae llawer wedi ceisio, ac yn dal i geisio, byw bywyd syml yn hytrach na chasglu mwy a mwy o eiddo.
Mae gan bob un ohonom eiddo, a chydag ef atgof neu hanes rhywun rydym wedi'i adnabod neu'n adnabod, eitemau sy'n sôn am adegau a digwyddiadau arbennig yn ein bywydau; eiddo sy'n amhrisiadwy i ni, ond nid o angenrheidrwydd i unrhyw un arall. Nid yw pentyrru cyfoeth yn beth drwg ynddo ei hun, cyhyd â nad hynny yw holl ganolbwynt a nod eich bywyd. Os byddwn yn ceisio dilyn Duw, rydym yn cael ein galw i ofalu am ein cymydog, ac wrth i ni edrych ar newid hinsawdd, mae’n cymydog yw gweddill y byd; yr holl bobl, yr amgylchedd a’r aer rydym yn ei anadlu.
Sut fyddech chi’n disgrifio’ch ffordd o fyw ar hyn o bryd?
Beth fyddai byw’n symlach yn ei olygu i chi?
Un awgrym ynghylch sut i fyw’n symlach gan ymchwilwyr, Cronfa Bywyd Gwyllt y Byd a’r ymgyrch Jump yw cael gwared â llanast; a gorau po fwyaf sy’n gallu cael ei ailgylchu neu’i ail ddefnyddio er mwyn lleihau faint sy’n mynd i dirlenwi. Nid yw hyn, wrth gwrs, yn golygu clirio popeth allan ac wedyn mynd i brynu rhagor o ‘bethau’ i lenwi’r bylchau!
Ymddengys mai tua saith mlynedd yw oes eitemau trydan ond yr awgrym yw eu cadw am o leiaf 7 mlynedd, neu’n hirach os ydyn nhw’n dal i weithio, yn hytrach na diweddaru gyda’r modelau newydd pob ychydig o flynyddoedd. A ellir trwsio dillad? Mae ymgyrch Jump a’u chwe newid i achub y ddaear, yn cynnwys prynu dim ond tair eitem newydd o ddillad y flwyddyn; ac os oes angen rhagor, eu prynu o siopau ail law.
Ffordd o fyw arall, os gellir ei fforddio, fyddai newid i gar trydan, neu geisio gyrru llai a gyrru ar gyflymder is ar briffyrdd er mwyn arbed y defnydd o danwydd. Mae ymchwilwyr hefyd wedi awgrymu labeli eitemau gydag effaith carbon mewn ffordd debyg i'r ffordd mae bwydydd yn dweud wrthym am werth maeth y cynnych rydym yn ei brynu. Sut fyddai hynny’n newid y ffordd rydym yn siopa?Neu a fyddai?
Erbyn 2050, y nod yw cyrraedd sero net ar ein hôl troed carbon. Er mwyn i hyn ddigwydd, mae cymaint angen cymryd lle, ond rydym i gyd angen newid y ffordd rydym yn byw.
Oes unrhyw newidiadau i’ch ffordd o fyw rydych yn teimlo y gallwch chi eu gwneud?
Waeth pa mor fach yw’r newidiadau byddent yn gwneud gwahaniaeth, i’n bywydau, i fywydau ar draws y byd ac i’r bywydau sydd eto i'w byw.
Dduw’r holl greadigaeth,
anadlais dy Ysbryd
i mewn i’r byd a’r holl bobl.
Trwy dy Ysbryd
dangos i ni'r newidiadau y gallwn eu gwneud
ai’n fawr neu’n fach.
Gyda’th gariad
dangos i ni sut i fyw yn fwy syml,
er budd y greadigaeth.
Yn dy ddoethineb
dangos i ni'r ffordd i siarad allan,
i weithredu ar ein geiriau.
Dduw’r holl greadigaeth,
helpa ni i helpu dy fyd.
Ychydig o awgrymiadau
- Edrychwch ar wefan Eco-Eglwys am syniadau ynghylch sut i newid ein ffordd o fyw
- Mae gan Gronfa Bywyd Gwyllt y Byd awgrymiadau - Making a lifestyle change | WWF
- Jump a chwe newid i achub y ddaear -
- Oes ffordd o rannu car, efallai i’r archfarchnad, os nad yw cludiant lleol yn bosibilrwydd?
- Cynlluniwch eich prydau am y r wythnos. Prynwch dim ond yr hyn sydd ei angen er mwyn lleihau gwastraff a cheisiwch fwyta llai o gig coch a chynnyrch llaeth. Mae torri llawr arnynt 20% yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth.
- Os allwch chi, rhowch fwyd i'r banc bwyd neu bantri bwyd a rhowch ddillad nad ydynt yn cael eu gwisgo bellach i siop elusen.
Remembering COP26 - Lifestyle
The way we live not only affects our finances, or is determined by our finances, but it also has an impact upon the climate. Seeking to change aspects of our lifestyle can feel daunting and perhaps too costly when the price of everything we buy is rising higher and higher. Yet, even small steps do make a difference to reduce our carbon footprint.
Bible Reading: Luke 12: 16-23
Jesus told his disciples a parable: ‘The land of a rich man produced abundantly. And he thought to himself, “What should I do, for I have no place to store my crops?” Then he said, “I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.” But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you. And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?” So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich towards God.’
Jesus then said, ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.’
To state the obvious, climate change was unknown at the time of the bible! Yet there is much we can learn from the bible as we seek to live in a way that will help sustain the world for future generations.
In the reading from the gospel of Luke, Jesus first tells the parable of a rich man who stores up so many crops a bigger barn is needed. There is the sharp reminder though, that they cannot go with him in death, and an account of his life will be asked of him by God. Next Jesus is telling the disciples not to worry, as there is more to life than food and clothes; even though we need both.
What are your thoughts on the bible reading in relation to lifestyle and how we are to live?
In the early days of the church everything people had was shared out so no-one would go hungry or be in need of clothes or shelter. Over the centuries many have sought, and still do seek to live a life of simplicity rather than the gathering of more and more possessions.
We all have possessions that hold within them a memory or story of someone we’ve known or know, items that speak of special times and events in our lives; possessions that are priceless to us, but not necessarily to anyone else. To store up riches is not wrong in itself, as long as this is not the whole our focus and aim in life. If we seek to follow God we are called to care for our neighbour, and as we look at climate change, then our neighbour is the rest of the world; all people, the environment, and the air we breathe.
How would you describe your lifestyle at this present moment?
What would living more simply mean to you?
One suggestion on how to live more simply by researchers, WWF, and the Jump campaign [links in the suggestions] is to de-clutter; and the more that can be recycled or re-used the less that goes into land-fill. This is not, of course, to have a big clear out and then go and buy more ‘things’ to fill the gaps!
Electrical items do seem to have their own life-span but the suggestion is to keep them at least 7 years, or longer if still working, rather than updating to new models every few years or so. Can clothes be repaired? The Jump campaign and their six changes to save the earth, includes only buying three new items of clothing each year; and if more are needed to buy from second-hand shops.
Another lifestyle change, if it can be afforded, would to the change to an electric car, or try to drive less and on major roads at a slower speed to save fuel consumption. Researchers have also suggested labelling items with a carbon impact in a similar way that foods tell us the nutritional value of what we are buying. How would this change the way we shop? Or would it?
By 2050, the goal is to reach net zero on our carbon footprint. For this to happen so much still needs to take place, but we all need to change the way we live.
Are there any changes to your lifestyle that you feel you can make?
However small the changes made they will make a difference, to our lives, to lives across the world, and to lives still to be lived.
God of all creation,
you breathed your Spirit
into the world and all people.
By your Spirit
show us the changes we can make
whether big or small.
With your love
show us how to live more simply,
for the good of creation.
In your wisdom
show us the way to speak out,
putting our words into action.
God of all creation,
help us to help your world.
A few suggestions
- Look at the Eco-Church website for ideas on how to change our lifestyle
- WWF has suggestions - Making a lifestyle change | WWF
- Jump, and six changes to save the earth -
- Is there a way of car sharing, perhaps to the supermarket, if local transport is not possible?
- Plan out meals for the week, and buy only what is needed to reduce waste, and try to eat less red meat and dairy, even cutting it down by 20% can make a difference.
- If you can give to a food bank or food pantry, and donate clothes no longer worn to a charity shop.