Mae MyGiving.online yn system rheoli rhoddion a gynlluniwyd i storio gwybodaeth rhoddwyr mewn ffordd sy'n cydymffurfio â GDPR. Mae MyGiving.online yn cydymffurfio â rheoliadau diweddaraf Rhodd Cymorth Rhodd a Chymorth Rhodd (GASDS) CThEM ac mae'n rheoli eich holl roddion p'un a ydynt yn derbyn cymorth rhodd ai peidio. Wrth glicio botwm gallwch hawlio ar-lein yn awtomatig o MyGiving.online yn uniongyrchol i borth CThEM Elusennau Ar-lein (mae'r weithdrefn hawlio wedi'i hachredu gan Gyllid a Thollau EM).
MyGiving online is a donations management system designed to store donor information in a GDPR compliant way. MyGiving.online complies with the latest HMRC Gift Aid and Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) regulations and manages all of your donations whether they are gift aided or not. At the click of a button you can automatically claim online from MyGiving.online direct to the HMRC Charities Online portal (the claiming procedure has been accredited by the HMRC).