Mae sawl pwyllgor esgobaethol a thaleithiol sydd â mandad cyfansoddiadol yn rhannu goruchwyliaeth yr esgobaeth a'r Eglwys yng Nghymru yn genedlaethol.
Cyngor yr Esgobaeth
Mae Cyngor yr Esgobaeth yn gyfrifol am strategaeth ac adnoddau esobaethol, gan gwmpasu Bwrdd Cyllid yr Esgobaeth, Ymddiriedolaeth Esgobaeth Bangor a Phwyllgor Sefydlog Cynhadledd yr Esgobaeth.
- Cyd-Gadeirydd: Esgob Bangor
- Cyd-Gadeirydd Lleyg: Hywel Parry-Smith
- Archddiaconiaid: Yr Hyb. John Harvey
- Is-Gadeirydd Clerigol Synodau: Y Parchg Ganon Emlyn Williams, y Parchg Ganon Tracy Jones, y Parchg Miriam Beecroft
- Is-Gadeirydd Lleyg Synodau: Wenda Owen, Sandra Ward, Geoffrey Howard
- Hyd at 4 aelod arall:
Pwllgorau Eiddo'r Esgobaeth
Pwyllgor Ymgynghori’r Esgobaeth, Pwyllgor Eglwysi a Bugeiliol yr Esgobaeth, Bwrdd Persondai’r Esgobaeth
Y pwyllgorau sy’n cynghori a phenderfynu ar faterion eiddo esgobaethol (gan gynnwys Hawlebau a cheisiadau grant), ac sy’n derbyn Cynlluniau Datblygu Eiddo yr Ardaloedd Gweinidogaeth.
- Archddiaconiaid: y Gwir Barchg Mary Stallard, yr Hyb. John Harvey
- Aelodau o Gyngor yr Esgobaeth: Y Gwir Barchg Mary Stallard
- Tri chlerigwr trwyddedig:
- Tri aelodau llegy: Ken Searson, Joan Yates, Matt Osmont
- Wedi eu hapwyntio ar ôl ymgynghori â CADW, y cymdeithasau amwynder cenedlaethol, yr awdurdodau lleol a Chyngor Archaeoleg Prydain: Frances Lynch Llewellyn, Elinor Gray-Williams, Rory Wilson, Andrew Kepcsyk
Cyswllt: Katie Gill-Williams
Corff Llywodraethol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru
Y Corff Llywodraethol sy’n gyfrifol am benderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar Ffydd, Trefn ac Addoliad yr Eglwys. Mae ganddo hefyd y grym i greu ‘deddfau a rheolau ar gyfer rheoli’r Eglwys yn gyffredinol a’i llywodraethu’n dda, ac ar gyfer ei heiddo a’i negesau, at ddibenion rheolaeth a llywodraeth dda’r Eglwys.’ Y Corff Llywodraethol yw corff deddfu goruchaf yr Eglwys yng Nghymru – yn fras, felly, Senedd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru. Fel arfer, y mae’n cyfarfod ddwywaith y flwyddyn idderbyn adroddiadau ac i benderfynu ar faterion a roddir gerbron.
Cynrychiolwyr o’r esgobaeth
- Esgob Bangor
- Archddiacon: Yr Hyb. John Harvey
- Clerigion a etholwyd tan ddiwedd 2023:
y Parchg Naomi Starkey, y Parchg Richard Wood - Clerigion a etholwyd tan ddiwedd 2024:
y Parchg Ganon David Morris, y Parchg Ganon Dylan Williams - Clerigion a etholwyd tan ddiwedd 2025:
y Parchg Ddr Rosie Dymond, y Parchg Kevin Ellis - Cynrychiolwyr lleyg a etholwyd tan ddiwedd 2023:
Susan Fogarty, Wenda Owen, Helen Wilcox, Keith Wadcock - Cynrychiolwyr lleyg a etholwyd tan ddiwedd 2024:
Michael Dean, Christopher Dearden (gyda dau le gwag) - Cynrychiolwyr lleyg a etholwyd tan ddiwedd 2025:
Caroline White (gyda thri lle gwag)
Cynrychiolwyr o'r esgobaeth ar Bwyllgor Sefydlog y Corff Llywodraethol
- Esgob Bangor
- Y Parchg Richard Wood
- Gwag
Corff y Cynrychiolwyr yr Eglwys yng Nghymru
Mae Corff y Cynrychiolwyr yn gyfrifol am warchod asedau’r Eglwys yng Nghymru i sicrhau bod adnoddau ar gael er budd yr Eglwys gyfan. Mae’r adeiladau sy’n eiddo iddo yn galluogi aelodau’r Eglwys i ddod ynghyd i addoli ac i gynnal cyfarfodydd eraill, ac yn cartrefu clerigion yr Eglwys. Defnyddir yr incwm o’r buddsoddiadau y mae’n eu dal i roi grantiau i gynnal gwaith yr Eglwys ym mhob esgobaeth, ac i dalu at bensiynau clerigion.
Cynrychiolwyr o'r esgobaeth
- Cadeirydd Bwrdd Cyllid Esgobaethol Bangor: Yr Hub. John Harvey
- Cleric etholedig: y Parchg Miriam Beecroft
- Aelod lleyg etholedig: Hywel Parry-Smith
Y Coleg Ethol
Yn yr Eglwys yng Nghymru etholir esgobion gan y Coleg Ethol. Mae’r Coleg yn cynnwys chwech aelod a etholir gan bob esgobaeth (tri aelod lleyg a thri chlerig), gyda deuddeg aelod etholedig o’r esgobaeth y mae’r esgob i’w hethol iddi. Cynhwysir hefyd yr esgobion eraill, ac felly y mae i’r Coleg 47 o aelodau. Mae’r Coleg Ethol yn cyfarfod yn Eglwys Gadeiriol yr esgobaeth wag am hyd at dridiau, ac mae’r trafodaethau yn gyfrinachol. Etholir esgob pan fo un ymgeisydd yn derbyn dwy ran o dair neu ragor o bleidleisiau aelodau’r Coleg.
Cynrychiolwyr o'r esgobaeth
- Esgob Bangor
- Cynrychiolwyr chlerigwr
- Y Parchg Rhun ap Robert
- Yr Hyb. John Harvey
- Y Parchg Ganon Dr Rosie Dymond
- Y Parchg Miriam Beecroft
- Y Parchg Ganon Emlyn Williams
- Y Parchg Richard Wood
- Cynrychiolwyr chlerigwr lleyg
- Wenda Owen
- Carrie White
- Chris Dearden
- Geoffrey Howard
- Susan Stafford
- Jane Coutts
Several constitutionally mandated diocesan and provincial committees share in the oversight of the diocese and the Church in Wales nationally.
Diocesan Council
The Diocesan Council takes responsibility for strategy and resources, encompassing the Diocesan Board of Finance, the Bangor Diocesan Trust and the Diocesan Conference Standing Committee.
- Co-Chair: The Bishop of Bangor
- Lay Co-Chair: Hywel Parry-Smith
- Archdeacons: The Ven. John Harvey
- Synod Clerical Vice-Chairs: The Revd Canon Emlyn Williams, the Revd Canon Tracy Jones, the Revd Miriam Beecroft
- Synod Lay Vice-Chairs: Wenda Owen, Sandra Ward, Geoffrey Howard
- Up to 4 additional members:
Diocesan Properties Committee
Diocesan Advisory Committee, Churches and Pastoral Committee, Parsonage Board
The committees that advise and decide on diocesan property matters (including Faculty and grant applications) and that receive Ministry Area Property Development Plans.
- Archdeacons: the Rt Revd Mary Stallard, the Ven. John Harvey
- A member of the Diocesan Council: The Rt Revd Mary Stallard
- Three licensed clerics: Vacant
- Three Lay members: Ken Searson, Joan Yates, Matt Osmont
- Appointment after consultation with CADW, the national amenity societies, the local authorities and the Council for British Archaeology: Frances Lynch Llewellyn, Elinor Gray-Williams, Rory Wilson, Andrew Kepcsyk
Contact: Katie Gill-Williams
The Governing Body of the Church in Wales
The Governing Body is responsible for decisions that affect the Church’s Faith, Order and Worship. It also has powers to make regulations ‘for thegeneral management and good government of the Church, and the property and affairs thereof.’ The Governing Body is the supreme legislature of the Church in Wales, broadly speaking the Parliament of the Church in Wales. It usually meets twice a year to receive reports and make decisions on matters brought before it.
Representatives from the diocese
- The Bishop of Bangor
- Archdeacon: The Ven. John Harvey
- Clergy elected until the end of 2023:
the Revd Naomi Starkey, the Revd Richard Wood - Clergy elected until the end of 2024:
the Revd Canon David Morris, the Revd Canon Dylan Williams - Clergy elected until the end of 2025:
the Revd Dr Rosie Dymond, The Revd Kevin Ellis - Lay Representatives elected until the end of 2023:
Susan Fogarty, Wenda Owen, Helen Wilcox, Keith Wadcock - Lay Representatives elected until the end of 2024:
Michael Dean, Christopher Dearden (plus two vacancies) - Lay Representatives elected until the end of 2025:
Caroline White (plus three vacancies)
Representatives from the diocese of the Standing Committee of the Governing Body
- The Bishop of Bangor
- The Revd Richard Wood
- Vacant
The Representative Body of the Church in Wales
The Representative Body is responsible for looking after the assets of the Church in Wales to ensure that resources are available for the benefit of the whole Church. The buildings it owns enable church members to meet together for worship and other occasions and provide housing the Church’s clergy. The income from the investments it holds is used to provide grants to support the work of the Church in each diocese, and to pay towards clergy pensions.
Representatives from the diocese
- Chair of Bangor Diocesan Board of Finance: The Ven. John Harvey
- Elected Cleric: The Revd Miriam Beecroft
- Elected Lay: Hywel Parry-Smith
Electoral College
In the Church in Wales bishops are elected by the Electoral College. The College is made up of six members elected by each diocese (three lay members and three clergy), with twelve members elected by the diocese to which the Bishop is being elected. With the remaining bishops, this makes a group of 47. The Electoral College meets in the Cathedral of the vacant diocese for up to three days, and its proceedings are confidential. A bishop is elected when one of the candidates receives two-thirds or more of the votes cast by the College.
Representatives from the diocese
- Esgob Bangor
- Clerical representatives
- The Revd Rhun ap Robert
- The Ven. John Harvey
- The Revd Canon Dr Rosie Dymond
- The Revd Miriam Beecroft
- The Revd Canon Emlyn Williams
- The Revd Richard Wood
- Lay representatives
- Wenda Owen
- Carrie White
- Chris Dearden
- Geoffrey Howard
- Susan Stafford
- Jane Coutts