Addoli Duw
Yng ngeiriau un credo hynafol, ein galwedigaeth gyntaf yw gogoneddu Duw a’i fwynhau. Mae addoli yn cynnwys ymgynnull i foli, gweddïo, dysgu a chyfeillachu; ond mae hefyd yn cwmpasu y cyfan o’n bywyd – y byd cudd a phersonol yn ogystal â’r byd cyhoeddus (Mathew 6:6). Addoli Duw, felly, yw cynnig ein holl fywyd a chydnabod bod popeth yn dod oddi wrth Dduw ac yn perthyn i Dduw.
O Dduw, yma gynt ac yma nawr,
bed i mi ganfod dirgelwch dy bresenoldeb
yn yr addoliad a’r gweddïau yr wyf yn eu cynnig.
Boed i’m haddoliad a’m gweddïau
dreiddio drwof,
a thrwy’n ymgynnull,
a thrwy dawelwch yr ystafell ddirgel honno
lle’m gelwir i fod ar ben fy hun, yn un, gyda thi.
Boed i’m haddoliad a’m gweddïau
offrymu fy nghyfan oll,
pob rhan o’m bywyd, pob rhan o’m bod.
Boed i’m haddoliad a’m gweddïau lifo
o gariad sy’n dyfnhau ac o ymwybyddiaeth
o’th holl fendithion.
Yng nghariad Crist. Amen.
Worshipping God
In the words of an ancient creed, our first call is to glorify and enjoy God. Worship includes gathering for praise, prayer, learning and affirmation, but encompasses all of life, and is as much about the unseen and personal sphere as the public (Matthew 6:6). To worship God therefore is to offer all of our life and to acknowledge that everything comes from God and belongs to God.
O God,
present in times ancient and in times now,
help me to embrace the mystery of your presence
in the worship and prayer I offer.
May my worship and my prayer flow
in and through every fibre of my being,
in and through our gathering together,
in and through the quietness of a secret place
where you call me to come and be alone,
at one, with you.
May my worship and prayer
be an offering of my own self,
in and through the life I lead.
May my worship and prayer flow
from an ever deepening love and awareness
of all you have blessed me with.
In and with the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.