Teithio gyda'n gilydd
Dathlu a chysegru Ysgol Santes Dwynwen
Ar Ddydd Mawrth 13 Mehefin 2023 cysegrodd Archesgob Cymru ac Esgob Bangor allor-fwrdd newydd yn Ysgol Santes Dwynwen yn Niwbwrch i ddathlu agoriad yr ysgol. Dechreuodd Ysgol Santes Dwynwen dderbyn a dysgu plant yn 2019 ond, oherwydd pandemig Covid-19, bu’n rhaid aros tan nawr i gael ei bendithio.
Yn ystod y dathlu cysegrwyd y bwrdd allor a roddwyd i'r ysgol gan Esgobaeth Bangor ag olew. Bendithiwyd Llwyau Caru ar siâp logo’r ysgol a’u dosbarthu i bob un o’r plant, ffarweliwyd â 4 aelod o staff a chanwyd anthem yr ysgol, a ysgrifennwyd gan y plant a’r staff.
Wrth siarad am yr achlysur meddai Archesgob Cymru,
"Roeddwn yn falch iawn o allu dathlu achlysur mor wych a bendithio a chysegru'r bwrdd allor newydd ochr yn ochr â'r plant, staff a chydweithwyr. Roedd yn bleser clywed y plant yn canu anthem yr ysgol - roedden nhw, wrth gwrs, yn wych."

Meddai'r Parchg Ganon Emlyn Williams
"Fel Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr, pleser mawr oedd i mi ac Ysgol Santes Dwynwen groesawu Archesgob Cymru i fendithio’r ysgol a chysegru Bwrdd y Cymun newydd. Canodd y plant yn wych yn ystod y gwasanaeth, a chawsant i gyd hwyl, yn tynnu ar goes yr Archesgob, trwy wneud hwyl am ben tîm pêl-droed Lerpwl, sy’n digwydd bod yn dîm iddo ef. Adroddodd yr Archesgob stori fer o’r Beibl i’r plant, am ddau o ffrindiau Iesu a oedd yn drist, yn cerdded ar hyd y ffordd i Emaus, a sut y daeth Iesu i gerdded ochr yn ochr â’i ddau ffrind. Yna dywedodd Archesgob Andrew wrth y plant fel roedd yr Iesu wedi cerdded gyda’i ffrindiau, ei fod yn credu bod Iesu hefyd yn cerdded gyda ni i gyd bob dydd, gan ddefnyddio anthem LFC, nododd, “Fyddwch chi byth yn cerdded ar eich pen eich hun”.
Fel Cristnogion ac i bawb da (gyda neu heb ffydd), yn y cyfnod anodd hwn, mae angen i ni i gyd ofalu am ein gilydd, felly credaf fod neges yr Archesgob wedi cael derbyniad da gan bawb oedd yn bresennol, yn blant, rhieni, athrawon a chyfeillion yr ysgol.
Hefyd, yn ddiweddarach yn y prynhawn, daeth fan hufen iâ i ymweld â'r ysgol a rhoddwyd 99 gyda amrywiol topins i'r holl blant (ynghyd ag ychydig o’r athrawon), beth allai fod yn well ar ddiwrnod poeth iawn!?"

Arweiniodd Archesgob Cymru ac Esgob Bangor, y Parchedicaf Andrew John, y dathliadau ochr yn ochr â'r Hybarch John Harvey, Archddiacon Ynys Môn; Y Parchg Ganon Emlyn Williams, Deon Bro Ynys Môn ac Arweinydd Ardal Weinidogaeth Bro Cadwaladr a hefyd Cadeirydd Llywodraethwyr yr ysgol; y Parchg Llew Moules-Jones, Arweinydd Ardal Weinidogaeth Bro Dwynwen; a Mr Marc Berw Hughes, Cyfarwyddwr Addysg, Sgiliau a Phobl Ifanc Ynys Môn.
Meddai Manon Williams, Pennaeth Ysgol Santes Dwynwen,
"Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Parchedicaf Andy John, Archesgob Cymru, y Canon E C Williams a'r Tad Ll Moles-Jones am wasanaeth bendithio a chysegru allor bendigedig.
Roedd thema'r gwasanaeth (sef taith) yn addas iawn. Yn ddi-os mae Ysgol Santes Dwynwen wedi bod ar daith! Caewyd pedair ysgol nol yn Ebrill 2019 ac agorwyd Ysgol Santes Dwynwen. Ac er, ar un llaw yr ymddengys fod y daith wedi cyrraedd ei therfyn, mae taith Ysgol Santes Dwynwen yn parhau.
Fel teulu Ysgol Santes Dwynwen, byddwn yn cyd-gerdded y daith gyda'n gilydd. Yng ngeiriau ein hanthem:
Ysgol Santes Dwynwen
Fu’n sylfaen oes i ni
Ysgol Santes Dwynwen
Sy’n nwfn fy nghalon i.
Journeying together
Celebration and consecration of Ysgol Santes Dwynwen
On Tuesday 13 June 2023 the Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of Bangor consecrated a new altar-table in Ysgol Santes Dwynwen in Newborough in celebration of the opening of the school. Ysgol Santes Dwynwen began receiving and teaching children in 2019 but, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, has had to wait until now to be blessed.
During the celebration the altar-table which was given to the school by the Diocese of Bangor was consecrated with oil. Love Spoons made in the shape of the school’s logo were blessed and distributed to each of the children, farewells were made to 4 members of staff and the school anthem, which was written by the children and staff, was sung.
Speaking about the occasion the Archbishop of Wales said,
"I was delighted to be able to celebrate such a wonderful occasion and to bless and consecrate the new altar-table alongside the children, staff and colleagues. It was a joy to hear the children sing the school anthem - they were, of course, superb."

The Revd Canon Emlyn Williams said:
“As the Chair of Governors, it was a great pleasure for me and Ysgol Santes Dwynwen to welcome the Archbishop Of Wales to bless the school and consecrate the new Communion Table. The children sang wonderfully during the service, and they all had fun, pulling the Archbishop’s leg by making fun of Liverpool football team, which happens to be his team. The Archbishop told the children a short story from the Bible, about two of Jesus’ friends who were sad, walking along a road to Emmaus, and how Jesus came to walk alongside his two friends. Archbishop Andrew, then told the children that, as Jesus walked with his friends, he believes Jesus also walks with us all every day, using LFC’s anthem, he pointed out, “You’ll never walk alone”.
As Christians and for all good people (with or without faith), in these trying times, we all need to care for each other, so I believe the Archbishop’s message was well received by all present, children, parents, teachers and friends of the school.
Plus, later in the afternoon, an ice cream van came to visit the school and all the children (plus a few teachers), were given a 99 with various sauces, what could be better on a very hot day.!?"

The Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of Bangor, the Most Revd Andrew John, led the celebrations alongside The Venerable John Harvey, Archdeacon of Anglesey; The Revd Canon Emlyn Williams, Area Dean of Anglesey and Ministry Area Leader of Bro Cadwaladr and also Chair of Governors at the school; the Revd Llew Moules-Jones, Ministry Area Leader of Bro Dwynwen; and Mr Marc Berw Hughes, Director of Education, Skills and Young People for Anglesey.
Headteacher Manon Williams said:
Many thanks to the Most Reverend Andrew John, Archbishop of Wales, for the service of blessing and consecrating a wonderful altar.
The theme of the service (which was ‘journey’) was very suitable. Ysgol Santes Dwynwen has undoubtedly been on a journey! Four schools were closed in April 2019 and Ysgol Santes Dwynwen was opened. Although, on one hand it seems that the journey has reached its end, the journey of Ysgol Santes Dwynwen continues.
As the Ysgol Santes Dwynwen family, we will walk the journey together. In the words of our anthem:
‘Saint Dwynwen School
It was the foundation of our lives
Saint Dwynwen School
Which is deep in my heart.’