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Caru’r byd

Mae’r Ysgrythur yn tystio i Dduw a garodd y byd gymaint nes iddo roi ei unig-anedig Fab (Ioan 3:16). Mae’r datganiad rhyfeddol hwn yn golygu bod Duw wedi ymrwymo ei hun yn llwyr i’w greadigaeth. Fe’n gelwir fel disgyblion Crist i garu’r byd fel y carodd ef – drwy weithredoedd anhunanol, a thrwy haelioni afradlon. Carwn y byd drwy arddangos arwyddion y groes a’r atgyfodiad mewn ffyrdd mesuradwy a chlir.

O Dduw,
o’th gariad
anfonaist dy unig Fab i fyw yn ein plith.
Dysg imi ofalu
am y ddaear ffrwythlon.
Dysg imi rannu
gyda thegwch adnoddau’r tir a’r môr.
Dysg imi fyw
mewn heddwch a thangnefedd â’m cyd-ddyn.
Dysg imi gerdded
ffordd y Groes tua’r alwad i garu fy nghymydog.
Dysg imi geisio
llwybr cyfiawnder a chynwysoldeb.
Dysg imi fod
yn wir ddisgybl gydol f’oes.
Yng nghariad Crist. Amen.

Loving the world

The Scriptures bear witness to the God who loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son (John 3:16). This extraordinary statement means that God committed his very being to the world he created and sustains. Disciples are people who also love the world by their selfless acts of giving and generous attitudes. To love the world is to show the signs of the cross and resurrection in measurable and clear ways.

O God,
in loving the world
you sent the Son to live amongst us.
Teach me to care
for and nurture the earth.
Teach me to share
with fairness the resources of land and sea.
Teach me to live
in peace and with forgiveness
with those around me.
Teach me the way
of the Cross, and the call to love my neighbour.
Teach me to seek
the path of justice and inclusivity.
Teach me to be
your disciple in the world.
In and with the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.