
Caiff gweinidogaeth yn yr Eglwys ei rannu gan yr Esgob gyda’r rhai y mae yn dewis i’w trwyddedu a’u hordeinio. Oddi mewn i’r weinidogaeth a ymddiriedwyd gan Grist i’w Eglwys, gelwir esgobion i fod yn ben gweinidogion a bugeiliaid, i wasanaethu pobl Dduw ac i ofalu amdanynt. Gan ddwyn ar gof y Bugail Da, a roes ei fywyd dros ei ddefaid, y maent i garu’r rhai a osodwyd yn eu gofal ac i weddïo drostynt, gan adnabod eu pobl a bod yn adnabyddus iddynt. Y maent i arwain eu pobl mewn gweddi a mawl, a llywyddu yn y Cymun Bendigaid. Y maent i fedyddio a chonffyrmio, i faddau pechodau ac i fendithio, gan faethu pobl Dduw ym mywyd yr Ysbryd a’u harwain ar hyd llwybrau sancteiddrwydd. Y maent i ddirnad a meithrin doniau’r Ysbryd ym mhawb sy’n dilyn Crist, a’u comisiynu i weinidogaethu yn ei enw ef. Y maent i ordeinio diaconiaid ac offeriaid, ac i gymryd rhan yn ordeinio eu cyd-esgobion. Fel pen bugeiliaid, y mae’n ddyletswydd arnynt gadw undod yr Eglwys, llefaru yn enw Duw a dehongli efengyl iachawdwriaeth. Ynghyd â’u clerigion a’r bobl, y maent i hyrwyddo cenhadaeth yr Eglwys ac i ofalu am bawb, yn enwedig y tlawd, y digartref a’r anghenus. Gan ddilyn esiampl yr Apostolion, y maent i gyhoeddi’r efengyl, i lefaru’r gwirionedd yn ddewr ac i weithio dros gyfiawnder a heddwch. Y maent i fod yn drugarog, ond yn gadarn; y maent i ddisgyblu, ond gyda thrugaredd.
Ministry in the Church is shared by the Bishop with those they choose to license and ordain. Within the ministry entrusted by Christ to his Church, bishops are called to be chief pastors and shepherds, serving and caring for the people of God. Mindful of the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for his sheep, they are to love and pray for those committed to their charge, knowing their people and being known by them. They are to lead their people in prayer and praise and to preside at the Holy Eucharist. They are to baptise and confirm, absolve and bless, nurturing God’s people in the life of the Spirit, and leading them in the way of holiness. They are to nurture and discern the gifts of the Spirit in all who follow Christ, commissioning them to minister in his name. They are to ordain deacons and priests and share in the ordination of their fellow bishops. As chief pastors, it is their duty to maintain the unity of the Church, speaking in the name of God, and interpreting the gospel of salvation. Together with their clergy and people they are to promote the Church’s mission and have a special care for all, and especially the poor, the outcast and the needy. Following the example of the Apostles, they are to proclaim the Gospel, boldly speak the truth, and work for justice and peace. They are to be merciful, but with firmness, and to minister discipline but with mercy.