Grŵp Elen
Ydych chi'n aelod o grŵp Agor y Llyfr?
Ydych chi'n helpu gyda Llan Llanast?
Ydych chi'n wirfoddolwr mewn grŵp plant bach?
Ydych chi'n helpu mewn clwb ar ôl ysgol?
Mae nod Grŵp Elen yn syml – dyma gyfle i ymgynnull gydag eraill o bob rhan o’r esgobaeth er mwyn:
- rhannu – syniadau; newyddion da; adnoddau
- gweddïo – dros ein gilydd; dros ein plant, ein bobl ifanc a'n teuluoedd; dros ysgolion
- derbyn – y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf; hyfforddiant
I gofrestru'ch diddordeb, cysylltwch â Naomi Wood.
Beth yw Grŵp Elen?
Yn 2019 cyfarfu ein Swyddog Gweinidogaeth Plant a Theuluoedd â phob Ardal Weinidogaeth i fyfyrio ar weinidogaeth deuluol.
Un o'r cwestiynau a ofynnwyd oedd “Beth all yr Esgobaeth ei wneud i gefnogi'ch gweinidogaeth gyda phlant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd?"
Dywedodd llawer o Ardaloedd Gweinidogaeth y byddai'r gallu i rwydweithio ag eraill o bob rhan o'r esgobaeth i rannu syniadau ac i weddïo gyda'n gilydd yn ddefnyddiol.
Pam y'i gelwir yn Grŵp Elen?
Elen yw nawddsant adeiladwyr ffyrdd Prydain. Rydyn ni, fel esgobaeth, wedi blaenoriaethu croesawu plant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd ac felly rydyn ni'n ceisio creu ffyrdd ystyrlon a bwriadol i'w tynnu i mewn i fywyd gyda Iesu. Gelwir Santes Elen hefyd yn amddiffynwr teithwyr ac felly pwy well i wylio dros ddisgyblion newydd wrth iddyn nhw gyd-gerdded â Iesu?
Pwy sy'n arwain Grŵp Elen?
Ein Swyddog Gweinidogaeth Plant a Theuluoedd esgobaethol Naomi Wood, ynghyd â Grŵp Llywio Grwp Elen (Miriam Beecroft, Debbie Peck, Lesley Rendle a Judy Freeman).
Hollalluog Dduw, trwy dy ras daeth Elen a daniwyd gan fflam sanctaidd dy gariad i fod yn oleuni’n llosgi a disgleirio yn yr Eglwys: cynnau ynom yr un ysbryd o ddisgyblaeth a chariad, fel y cerddom o’th flaen fel plant y goleuni; trwy Iesu Grist ein Gwaredwr. Amen.
Grŵp Elen
Are you a member of an Open the Book group?
Do you help with Messy Church?
Are you a volunteer in a toddler group?
Do you help at an after-school club?
Grŵp Elen’s aim is simple – it’s an opportunity to gather with others from across the whole diocese to:
- share – ideas; good news; resources
- pray – for each other; for the children, young people and families; for schools
- receive – up to date information; training
To register your interest please contact Naomi Wood.
What is Grŵp Elen?
During 2019 our Children & Family Ministry Officer met with every Ministry Area to reflect on family ministry.
One of the questions asked was “What can the Diocese do to support your ministry with children, young people and families?”
Many Ministry Areas commented that the ability to network with others from across the diocese to share ideas and to pray together would be helpful.
Why is it called Grŵp Elen?
Elen is the patron saint of British roadbuilders. We, as a diocese, have prioritised welcoming children, young people and families and are, therefore seeking to create meaningful and deliberate ways to draw them into a life with Jesus. Saint Elen is also known as the protectress of travellers and so who better to watch over the new disciples as they walk with Jesus?
Who leads Grŵp Elen?
Our diocesan Children & Families Ministry Officer Naomi Wood, along with the Grŵp Elen Steering Group (Miriam Beecroft, Debbie Peck, Lesley Rendle and Judy Freeman).
Almighty God, by whose grace Elen kindled with the holy fire of your love, became a burning and a shining light in the Church: inflame in us the same spirit of discipline and love, that we may walk before you as children of the light; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.