Gweinidogaeth Comisiynedig o fewn Tîm
Mae Gweinidogaethau Comisiynedig o fewn Tîm yn rhoi cyfle i wasanaethu law yn llaw ag eraill o fewn yr Ardal Weinidogaeth. Mae chwe math gwahanol o Weinidogaethau Comisiynedig o fewn Tîm, ledled bywyd, cenhadaeth a thystiolaeth yr Eglwys. Maent yn mynnu ymrwymiad o ran amser ac egni, ond gellir hefyd eu harddel yn gyfforddus law yn llaw ag ymrwymiadau eraill, a dyma’r cam cyntaf mewn gweinidogaethu ffurfiol.

Mae Gweinidogaethau Comisiynedig o fewn Tîm yn weinidogaethau achrededig, cyhoeddus a chynrychioliadol o fewn yr Eglwys yng Nghymru. Gofynnir i bawb sy’n dirnad galwedigaeth i weinidogaeth gyhoeddus a chynrychioliadol ddatgan yn eu bywydau mai disgybl i Grist ydynt. Wrth ddirnad galwedigaeth i weinidogaeth benodol, mae yna hefyd ofynion penodol sy’n ategu galwedigaeth Gristnogol holl bobl Dduw: er enghraifft, os ydych yn synhwyro galwad i fod yn aelod o Dîm Gofal Bugeiliol, a oes gennych glust i wrando a chalon sy’n effro i lawenydd a gofidiau eraill, a sut y gall eraill adnabod hynny yn eich byw a’ch bod?
Caiff galwedigaethau i’r gweinidogaethau hyn eu dirnad oddi mewn i’r Ardal Weinidogaeth, gan barchu’r cyd-destunau lleol y byddant yn eu gwasanaethu. Caiff ffurfiant a hyfforddiant paratoadol ar gyfer y gweinidogaethau hyn ei ddarparu o fewn yr Ardal Weinidogaeth neu’r Synod, gyda chymorth Athrofa Padarn Sant. Comisiynir y sawl sydd wedi eu galw a’u derbyn i’r gweinidogaethau hyn gan Arweinydd yr Ardal Weinidogaeth, yn sgil cadarnhád Cyngor yr Ardal Weinidogaeth. Bydd penodiadau i Weinidogaethau Comisiynedig o fewn Tîm am flwyddyn i ddechrau, ac ar ôl hynny am dymhorau o 3 blynedd, sy’n adnewyddadwy gyda chaniatâd Arweinydd yr Ardal Weinidogaeth a Chyngor yr Ardal Weinidogaeth.
Commissioned Team Ministries
Commissioned Team Ministries provide an opportunity to serve alongside others within the Ministry Area. There are six different types of Commissioned Team Ministries, ranging across different areas of the Church’s life, mission and witness. They require a commitment of time and energy, but they can also sit comfortably alongside other commitments, and constitute a first step into formal ministry.
Commissioned Team Ministries are accredited, public, representative ministries of the Church in Wales. All those called to public, representative ministry are asked to show that their lives are shaped by their discipleship. In discerning a call to a particular ministry, there are also specific requirements that complement the Christian discipleship demanded of us all: for example, if you sense a call to be a member of a Pastoral Care Team, do you have a listening ear and a heart for the joys and sorrows of others, and how can others see this at work in your life?
A call to these ministries is discerned within the Ministry Area, paying attention to the local contexts in which those exercising these ministries will serve. Preparatory formation and training for these ministries takes place within the Ministry Area or the Synod, with support from Saint Padarn’s Institute. Those called and accepted to these ministries are commissioned by the Ministry Area Leader, following ratification by the Ministry Area Council. Appointments to Commissioned Team Ministries will last initially for 1 year, and thereafter for 3 year terms, renewable with the consent of the Ministry Area Leader and the Ministry Area Council.