Gweinidog Bugeiliol
Oddi mewn i’r weinidogaeth a ymddiriedwyd gan Grist i’w Eglwys, gelwir Gweinidogion Bugeiliol i atgyfnerthu a galluogi arferion bugeiliol o fewn yr eglwys leol, wedi eu gwreiddio yn ei hanfod cydweithredol. Gallasai Gweinidogion Bugeiliol gyda galwad a’r doniau i bregethu ystyried cynnig eu hunain i’w dirnad ar gyfer y rôl ehangach o Ddiacon. Bydd y rhai a elwir i weinidogaethu fel Gweinidogion Bugeiliol yn gallu darparu tystiolaeth o ddoniau ar gyfer y gwaith hwn, megis y gallu i wrando’n ofalus ar sawl lefel, i gadw cyfrinachau, ac i gydlynu gweinidogaethau bugeiliol pobl eraill gyda sensitifrwydd.
Pastoral Minister
Within the ministry entrusted by Christ to his Church, Pastoral Ministers are called to focus and enable pastoral practice within the local church and should be rooted in its collaborative working practice. Pastoral Ministers with a calling and gifting to preach might consider offering themselves for discernment for the wider role of a Deacon. Those called to ministry as a Pastoral Minister will be able to show evidence of a gifting for this work, and ability to listen to, with and for others, to keep confidences, and to coordinate with sensitivity the pastoral ministries of others.