Cadarnhad o benodiad yr Hybarch Mary Stallard yn Esgob Cynorthwyol
Ar nos Lun 7 Chwefror yn Eglwys San Silyn yn Wrecsam bu cyfarfod o'r Synod Daleithiol i gadarnhau penodiad yr Hybarch Mary Stallard, Archddiacon Bangor, yn Esgob Cynorthwyol Esgobaeth Bangor.

Dechreuodd y noson gyda gwasanaeth syml o Gwmplin gan weddïo,
Gwared ni Arglwydd, pan fyddom yn effro,
gwylia drosom pan fyddom yn cysgu,
fel, pan fyddom yn effro, y cawn wylio gyda Christ,
a phan fyddom ynhwsg, y cawn orffwys mewn tangnefedd.

Yna bu gofyn i sawl gwneud datganiadau am y broses gan gynnwys yr Archesgob, Cofrestrydd yr Archesgob ac Is-gofrestrydd yr Archesgob cyn i'r fainc ymgynghori â'i gilydd ac arwyddo'r Ddeddf Synodaidd.
Yna gwnaeth yr Hybarch Mary Stallard ei datganiad a llofnodi dogfen yn derbyn y penodiad yn ffurfiol.
Gorffennodd y noson gyda'r Bendith a'r ymateb,
Ewch yn nhangnefedd Crist
I Dduw y bo'r diolch

Bydd gwasanaeth i gysegru Mary fel Esgob Cynorthwyol Esgobaeth Bangor ar 26 Chwefror yng Nghadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor. Mae angen tocyn i fynychu'r gwasanaeth yma.
Ond mae hefyd gwasanaeth ar 1 Mawrth i groesawu'r Esgob Cynorthwyol newydd. Mae croeso i bawb ymuno â ni yng Nghadeirlan Deiniol Sant. Gellir cofrestru i ddod yma.

Confirmation of the appointment of the Venerable Mary Stallard as Assistant Bishop
On Monday 7 February at Saint Giles' Church, Wrexham the Provincial Synod of Bishops met to confirm the appointment of the Venerable Mary Stallard, Archdeacon of Bangor, as the Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Bangor.

The evening began with a simple service of Compline including the prayer,
Save us, O Lord, while waking,
and guard us while sleeping,
that awake we may watch with Christ
and sleep may rest in peace.

Declarations were then required by the Archbishop, the Archbishop's Registrar and the Archbishop's Deputy Registrar before the Bench of Bishops consulted with one another and signed the Synodical Act.
The Venerable Mary Stallard then made her declaration and signed a document formally accepting the appointment.
The evening closed with the Blessing followed by the repsonse,
Go in the peace of Christ
Thanks be to God

Mary will be consecrated as Assistant Bishop for the Diocese of Bangor on 26 February in Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor. An invitation and ticket are required for this service.
However, a service of welcome for the Assistant Bishop is being held on 1 March at 2.30pm to which all are welcome. Please do register here if you would like to attend 1 March.