Partneriaeth yng Nghaerbygi
Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod prosiect Llefa’r Cerrig wedi derbyn grant yn ddiweddar fel rhan o Fenter Treftadaeth Treflun Caergybi sy’n cael ei redeg a’i ariannu’n rhannol gan Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn. Bydd yr arian yn cael ei ddefnyddio i dalu am gost yr ymchwiliadau archeolegol diweddar ar safle Cybi Sant, yn ogystal â rhywfaint o’r gwaith uniongyrchol i ddatblygu’r cynlluniau ar gyfer Eglwys Sant Cybi ac Eglwys y Bedd ar y cyd â’r prosiect ymgysylltu cymunedol parhaus.
Mae Menter Treftadaeth Treflun Caergybi yn ei hail gam ar hyn o bryd, a'i nod yw gwella adeiladau hanesyddol yn y dref a dod ag arwynebedd llawr hanesyddol yn ôl i ddefnydd. Yn ogystal â’i brif gyllid, mae hefyd wedi derbyn arian gan Gynllun ‘Creu Lleoedd’ Canol Trefi Llywodraeth Cymru.
Meddai’r Rheolwr Prosiect, Simon Ogdon, am y grant, “Dyma gyfle gwych i weithio mewn partneriaeth agosach fyth ag awdurdodau lleol Caergybi i ddatblygu a gweithredu ein cynlluniau i wneud Sant Cybi ac Eglwys y Bedd yn adnodd sy’n wirioneddol gyfoethogi a o fudd i’r gymuned leol gyfan.”
Hoffai tîm cyfan y prosiect ddiolch i Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn, Llywodraeth Cymru, Llywodraeth y DU a Chronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol am eu rolau yn ariannu a hwyluso’r grant hwn.

Partnership in Holyhead
We are thrilled to announce that the Llefa’r Cerrig project has recently been awarded a grant as part of the Holyhead Townscape Heritage Initiative run and part-financed by Isle of Anglesey County Council. The money will be used to cover the cost of the recent archaeological investigations at the St Cybi’s site, as well as some of the immediate work developing the plans for St Cybi’s Church and Eglwys y Bedd in conjunction with the ongoing community engagement project.
The Holyhead Townscape Heritage Initiative is currently in its second phase, and aims to improve historic buildings in the town and bring historic floorspace back into use. In addition to its main funding, it has also received money from the Welsh Government Town Centre ‘Place Making’ Scheme.
Project Manager, Simon Ogdon, said of the grant, “This is a fantastic opportunity to work in even closer partnership with the local authorities in Holyhead to develop and implement our plans to make St Cybi’s and Eglwys y Bedd into a resource that truly enriches and benefits the whole local community.”
The whole project team would like to thank Isle of Anglesey County Council, the Welsh Government, the UK Government and the National Lottery Heritage Fund for their roles in funding and facilitating this grant.