Sul y Galwedigaethau - Katie Gill-Williams
Swyddog Prif Eglwysi'r Pererinion
Rwyf wedi bod gyda'r Eglwys yng Nghymru ers bron i bedair blynedd, ac mae fy swydd wedi datblygu ac addasu'n organig iawn yn ystod y cyfnod hwn. Drwy gydol fy natblygiad proffesiynol, nid oes penderfyniad annaturiol nac o ran sioe wedi digwydd o gwbl. Mae wedi digwydd fel y dylai, ac mae popeth wedi arwain at ble'r ydw i nawr, a'r hyn rwy'n ei wneud nawr. Gallaf weld y profiadau rwyf wedi'u cael yn y gorffennol a'u cysylltu â'r hyn sydd angen imi ei gyflawni ar gyfer y dyfodol; a dyma'r tro cyntaf imi deimlo hyn ers imi ddechrau gweithio.
Rwy'n ffodus o gael gweithio gydag eglwysi hyfryd, ac rwy'n deall eu treftadaeth flaenorol ac i'r dyfodol. Mae'r gwaith rwy'n ei wneud yn cyd-fynd yn naturiol â fy ngwerthoedd fy hun, o ran fy mod i eisiau i genedlaethau'r dyfodol brofi'r hanes sy'n byrlymu o'r lleoedd anhygoel hyn, a'r dirwedd naturiol o'u cwmpas. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn arw at weithio gyda thîm llawn egni, sy'n barod i estyn allan a chaniatáu i eraill fod yn rhan o ddyfodol cyffrous.
Datblygodd swydd Swyddog Prif Eglwysi'r Pererinion drwy frwdfrydedd ynghylch y mannau rhyfeddol hyn a rhannu'r profiad o ffydd yma yng Nghymru, ac i ddathlu ei ehangder - sy'n rhan annatod o dapestri ein cymunedau, efallai heb i rywun fod yn ymwybodol o hynny weithiau.
Gan fy mod yn mwynhau straeon, hanes a dod â phobl ynghyd, roedd y cyfle i roi hyn ar waith fel galwad i annog eraill i ddod i gael eu profiadau eu hunain o lonyddwch a chychwyn ar eu teithiau eu hunain.

Vocations Sunday - Katie Gill-Williams
Major Pilgrim Churches Officer
I have been with the Church in Wales for nearly four years, and my role has grown and adapted very organically during this time. Through my professional development, there hasn’t ever been a contrived or tokenistic decision, it has happened as it should have, and everything led to where I am and what I am doing now. I can see and align the experiences I had in the past to what I need to deliver for the future; and this is the first time I have felt this in my working life.
I am lucky to work with beautiful churches and understand their past and future heritage. The work I do has a natural kinship with my own values, in that I want future generations to experience the history that is steeped in these incredible places, and the surrounding natural landscapes. I feel incredibly excited to be work alongside a team that is energised and ready to reach out and allow others to be a part of an exciting future.
My new role as the Major Pilgrim Churches Officer was brought about through a passion for these incredible places, the telling of faith here in Wales, and to celebrate its breadth which is woven into the tapestry of our communities, whether consciously or not.
The opportunity to harness my love of story, history and bringing people together presented as a calling to encourage others to come and experience their own moments of stillness and begin their own journeys.