Dathliad o Laura Ashley yng Ngharno
Mae enw Laura Ashley yn gyfystyr â phentref Carno a thros y blynyddoedd mae Sefydliad Teulu Ashley wedi rhoi cefnogaeth hael i eglwys Sant Ioan Fedyddiwr. Mae Laura a'i gŵr Syr Bernard Ashley yn cael eu rhoi i orffwys ym mynwent eglwys Carno. Felly roedd yn briodol dathlu'r cysylltiad hwn yn yr eglwys.
Mae’r arddangosfa dridiau a gynhaliwyd ar 26, 27 a 28 Mai wedi cael ei hystyried yn llwyddiant mawr gan drefnwyr ac ymwelwyr fel ei gilydd. Denodd y tywydd heulog, ynghyd â’r casgliad eang o ffrogiau, llieiniau sychu llestri, ffabrigau, ffotograffau a phethau cofiadwy eraill dros bedwar cant o ymwelwyr. Roedd warden yr eglwys Linda Rollin a’r is warden Polly Walker, yn y llun uchod gyda'r AS Craig Williams a Jane Ashley, yn gwerthfawrogi’n fawr y brwdfrydedd a ddangoswyd gan y gymuned leol wrth baratoi’r arddangosfa a’u benthyciad hael o arddangosion.
Roedd Linda a Polly hefyd yn falch iawn o groesawu merched Laura a Syr Bernard Ashley Jane ac Emma Ashley i’r arddangosfa, yn ogystal â’r AS lleol Craig Williams, a hefyd ei ragflaenydd Glyn Davies, a fu’n Gadeirydd Bwrdd Datblygu Cymru Wledig pan oedd yr Ashleys yn ehangu eu hen ffatri a phencadlys yn y pentref.
Dywedodd Linda,
Rydym yn falch iawn bod cymaint o gyn-weithwyr wedi gallu dod draw o Garno ac o ymhellach i ffwrdd. Roedd fel hen aduniad gweithle go iawn i lawer.
Ychwanegodd Polly,
Roedd yn braf hefyd cael cymaint o sylwadau cadarnhaol am yr arddangosfa a gweld y pentref yn dod at ei gilydd.
Daeth yr arddangosfa i ben ar y prynhawn Sul gyda Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch arbennig dwyieithog Songs of Praise am fywydau Laura a Bernard Ashley dan arweiniad y Parchg. Alison Gwalchmai. Roedd yr eglwys yn llawn a phawb yn cytuno bod Carno yn sicr wedi talu teyrnged deilwng i'r cwpl.
Diolch i haelioni pawb a ddaeth draw, casglwyd £1,988.00 at gynnal a chadw Eglwys Carno.
Celebrating Laura Ashley in Carno
The name of Laura Ashley is synonymous with the village of Carno and over the years the Ashley Family Foundation has provided generous support to Saint John the Baptist church. Both Laura and her husband Sir Bernard Ashley are laid to rest in Carno churchyard. So it was fitting that this connection be celebrated in the church.
The three day exhibition held on 26, 27 and 28 May has been hailed as a big success by organisers and visitors alike. The sunny weather, plus the wide ranging collection of dresses, tea towels, fabrics, photographs and other memorabilia attracted over four hundred visitors. Church warden Linda Rollin and sub warden Polly Walker, pictured above with MP Craig Williams and Jane Ashley, very much appreciated the enthusiasm shown by the local community in the preparation of the exhibition and their generous loan of exhibits.
Linda and Polly were also delighted to welcome Laura and Sir Bernard Ashley's daughters Jane and Emma Ashley to the exhibition, as well as local MP Craig Williams, and also his predecessor Glyn Davies, who was Chairman of the Development Board for Rural Wales when the Ashleys were expanding their former factory and headquarters in the village.
Linda said,
We are very pleased that so many ex-employees were able to come along both from Carno and from further afield. It was like a real old workplace reunion for many.
Polly added,
It was nice also to have so many positive comments about the exhibition and see the village coming together,
The exhibition came to a close on the Sunday afternoon with a special bilingual Songs of Praise Thanksgiving Service for the lives of Laura and Bernard Ashley led by the Revd Alison Gwalchmai. The church was full and everyone agreed that Carno had most certainly paid a fitting tribute to the couple.
Thanks to the generosity of all who came along, £1,988.00 was raised for the upkeep of Carno Church.