Ordeinio 2023: Helen Franklin
Dros Ŵyl Bedr eleni yng Nghadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor, bydd Helen Franklin a Selwyn Griffith yn cael eu hordeinio yn Offeiriad
Fe’u gelwir i gydweithio â'u Esgob a'u cyd-offeiriaid a hall bobl Dduw fel gweision a bugeiliaid.
Dyna’u tasg ar y cyd – ond mae gan bob un hefyd eu straeon personol eu hunain am alwad Duw ar eu bywydau.
Wrth siarad am ei blwyddyn fel Diacon, dywedodd Helen:
Roedd gwasanaeth ordeinio y llynedd yn brofiad gwych. Ond ar un olwg, ychydig a newidiodd ar ei ol i mi, gan fy mod wedi bod yn arwain oedfaon a phregethu er's blynyddau. Efallai mai’r newid mwyaf fu mewn cymryd angladdau a chymryd mwy o ran yn y weinidogaeth fugeiliol. Mae gwisgo coler glerigol yn sicr yn agor drysau ar gyfer sgyrsiau mewn angladdau ac weithiau yn y gymuned hefyd. Mae hefyd weithiau'n fflysio pobl, sy'n teimlo'n drist bod yn rhaid iddynt fod braidd yn ffurfiol a chwrtais tuag ataf pan fyddant yn cyfarfod â mi fel clerigwyr!
Rwyf wrth fy modd, pan fyddaf yn cael fy ordeinio yn offeiriad, y byddaf yn gallu bendithio pobl, i'w sicrhau o faddeuant Duw, ac i lywyddu yn y cymun, gan mai dyma'r pethau a ddefnyddiodd Duw i'm tynnu i archwilio ordeiniad. Bydd yn dda iawn gallu cynnig i bobl bopeth y mae Duw yn ei gynnig iddynt.
Gallwch ddarllen taith Helen i'r weinidogaeth ordeiniedig trwy glicio ar y botwm isod.
Ordinations 2023: Helen Franklin
This Petertide at Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor, Helen Franklin and Selwyn Griffith will be ordained Priest.
They are called to work with their bishop their fellow priests and the people of God as servants and shepherds.
That is their common task – but each also have their own personal stories about God’s call on their lives.
Speaking of her year as a Deacon, Helen says:
Last year’s ordination service was a wonderful experience. But in one sense, little changed after it for me, as I have been leading services and preaching for years. Perhaps the greatest change has been in taking funerals and being more involved in pastoral ministry. Wearing a clerical collar certainly opens doors for conversations both at funerals and sometimes in the community too. It also sometimes flusters people, who sadly feel they have to be rather formal and courteous towards me when they meet me as clergy!
I’m delighted that when I’m ordained priest I’ll be able to bless people, to assure them of God's forgiveness, and to preside at communion, as these are the things that God used to draw me to explore ordination. It will be very good to be able to offer to people all that God offers to them.
You can read Helen's journey to ordained ministry by clicking the button below.