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Gwasanaeth Cofio a Gobaith ar gyfer Mis Adfer Cenedlaethol

Bydd Cadeiriol Deiniol Sant ym Mangor yn cynnal y Gwasanaeth Cofio a Gobaith cyntaf mewn partneriaeth â North Wales Recovery Communities ddydd Gwener 29 Medi i nodi diwedd y Mis Adfer Cenedlaethol.

Mae'r gwasanaeth, sy'n dechrau am 10.30am, yn cael ei drefnu gan North Wales Recovery Communities, elusen leol ym Mangor, sy'n cefnogi unigolion sy'n wynebu dibyniaeth. Bydd y gwasanaeth yn rhoi cyfle i gofio ac anrhydeddu anwyliaid sydd wedi cael eu colli i fod yn gaeth i ddibyniaeth, ac i gynnig gobaith a chefnogaeth i'r rhai sydd ar eu taith adfer.

Mae North Wales Recovery Communities yn cefnogi unigolion sy'n wynebu heriau dibyniaeth ar gyffuriau ac alcohol. Eu cenhadaeth yw creu rhwydwaith o gymunedau adfer, gan gynnig cefnogaeth i unigolion sy'n ceisio sefydlu a chynnal adferiad hirdymor. Mae'r elusen yn cael ei harwain gan gymheiriaid a'r holl staff yn gwella eu hunain. 

Mae eu gwasanaethau'n cael eu cynnig am ddim, gan sicrhau mynediad uniongyrchol a di-stigma at gymorth.

Trefnir y gwasanaeth gan North Wales Recovery Communities, elusen leol ym Mangor, sy'n cefnogi unigolion sy'n wynebu dibyniaeth. 

Bydd y gwasanaeth yn rhoi cyfle i gofio ac anrhydeddu anwyliaid sydd wedi cael eu colli i fod yn gaeth i ddibyniaeth, ac i gynnig gobaith a chefnogaeth i'r rhai sydd ar eu taith adfer.


Service of Remembrance and Hope for National Recovery Month

Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor will host the first Service of Remembrance and Hope in partnership with North Wales Recovery Communities on Friday 29 September to mark the end of National Recovery Month.

The service, which begins at 10.30am, is organised by North Wales Recovery Communities, a local charity based in Bangor, who support individuals facing addiction. The service will provide an opportunity to remember and honour loved ones who have been lost to addiction, and to offer hope and support to those on their recovery journey.

Service of Remembrance and Hope

North Wales Recovery Communities supports individuals facing the challenges of drug and alcohol addiction. Their mission is to create a network of recovery communities, offering support to individuals seeking to establish and sustain long-term recovery. The charity is peer-led and all staff members in recovery themselves. Their services are offered free of charge, ensuring immediate and stigma-free access to support.

National Recovery Month aims to increase awareness and understanding of substance use disorders and celebrate the people who recover. This years theme is Hope is Real, Recovery is Real and seeks to raise awareness of the evidence-based treatments that address the emotional, physiological and neurological aspects of an addiction recovery journey.