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Y Pentecost i Blant: Sut i Wneud yr Efengyl yn gofiadwy ac yn hwyl

Mae’r Pentecost yn un o straeon mwyaf cyffrous a deinamig Cristnogaeth, gan ei gwneud yn gyfle perffaith i danio dychymyg dysgwyr ifanc. Gyda’i ddelweddau pwerus o wynt, tân, a’r gallu gwyrthiol i siarad mewn gwahanol ieithoedd, mae’r Pentecost yn cynnig cyfoeth o gyfleoedd addysgu deniadol.

Yn y blog hwn, y Parchedig Alison Gwalchmai, Bro Arwystli, sy’n sôn am Brofiad y Pentecost, digwyddiad sy’n archwilio ffyrdd creadigol o wneud stori’r Pentecost yn gofiadwy ac yn hwyl i blant, gan eu helpu nhw i gysylltu â’r digwyddiad pwysig hwn mewn ffordd ystyrlon.

Trefnodd Llanidloes Cytun (Eglwysi Gyda’n Gilydd) ddigwyddiad gwych yn cynnwys Anglicaniaid, Presbyteriaid, Methodistiaid, Bedyddwyr, Catholigion, a’r Eglwys Ddiwygiedig Unedig. Roedd gweld pawb yn dod at ei gilydd i roi profiad cofiadwy i’r plant yn galonogol. Cymerodd lawer o ymdrech gan bawb a oedd yn rhan ohono, ond fe wnaethon ni i gyd fwynhau bod yn rhan o rywbeth mor arbennig.

Yn ystod yr wythnos, fe wnaethon ni groesawu chwe dosbarth o Flynyddoedd 3/4 a 5/6, ynghyd â’u hathrawon a’u cynorthwywyr dosbarth—tua 180 o blant ac oedolion. Nos Wener, ymunodd rhieni ac ymwelwyr eraill â ni hefyd, tua 50 i gyd.

Dechreuodd yr antur gyda’r plant yn mynd i mewn i Eglwys Sant Idloes drwy ddrws y gorllewin ac yna i’r tŵr clychau. Cawsant eu cyfarch gan Deithiwr Amser a aeth â nhw yn ôl i ddiwrnod y Pentecost, ynghyd â sŵn gwynt yn rhuthro wrth iddyn nhw fynd drwy’r porth amser. Y tu mewn i’r eglwys, cawsant eu croesawu gan yr Adroddwr ag arweiniodd sesiwn grefftau i wneud troellwyr gwynt a fflamau papur y Pentecost.

Ar ôl y sesiwn grefftau, cyflwynwyd Pedr iddynt gan yr Adroddwr, a wnaeth rannu stori Iesu a’r disgyblion yn cuddio rhag y Rhufeiniaid. Daeth stori’r Pentecost yn fyw drwy adrodd yr hanes, actio, a gyda thaflunydd yn y cefn yn dangos fflamau o dân yn disgyn ar y disgyblion. Er mwyn dangos y gwahanol ieithoedd, cafodd Gweddi’r Arglwydd ei dangos iddynt a’i hadrodd mewn gwahanol ieithoedd.

Yna arweiniodd y Teithiwr Amser y plant i Eglwys y Drindod, gan esbonio sut roedd y disgyblion wedi teithio’n bell, gan ledaenu’r newyddion da am Iesu. Cafodd enwau lleoedd eu dangos ar hyd y llwybr i’r plant eu hadnabod. Parhaodd y daith i ystafell ysgol yr eglwys, lle y gwnaeth y plant fynd ar fwrdd cwch gyda Paul a Silas, gan wynebu llongddrylliad, a mynd i’r carchar.

Ar ôl iddynt gael eu rhyddhau, aeth y Teithiwr Amser â nhw i brif ardal yr eglwys, lle y gwnaethon nhw wylio fideo byr am waith cenhadon Cymru ym Mizoram a Madagascar. Roedd pedwar man gweithgaredd ac arddangos am CYTUN, Cymdeithas y Beibl, CAFOD, a golygfa’r Pasg. Yn y cyntedd, dangosodd map o’r byd lle’r oedd yr efengyl wedi cyrraedd, a chafodd pob plentyn lyfrnod gyda baneri a’r geiriau "Mae Iesu’n fyw" mewn gwahanol ieithoedd arno.

Ger man yr Ysbryd Glân a gweddïo, fe wnaeth y plant ysgrifennu gweddïau ar ddarnau o bapur siâp fflamau. Roeddent yn gallu gadael eu gweddïau yno i eraill eu gweld neu’u cadw’n breifat. Cawsant eu hatgoffa eu bod yn gallu siarad â Duw bob amser a bydd Ef yn gwrando. Roedd cyfle i dynnu lluniau hefyd gyda dillad traddodiadol o Mizoram a Madagascar, lle rhannodd Jacqui Bebb straeon am ei hymweliad yno gyda’i diweddar ŵr, y Parch J. Robert Bebb.

Yn y festri, gwnaeth cerddoriaeth dawel o Taizé a golau canhwyllau roi eiliad i fyfyrio a gweddïo. Ar y diwedd, cafodd pawb groes o bren wedi’i adfer a wnaed gan y Parchedig Keith Edwards. Roedd siâp fflam wedi’i dorri ym mhob un i’w hatgoffa o’r Pentecost.

Sut ydych chi'n rhannu neges yr efengyl? Ebost mattbatten@cinw.org.uk


Pentecost for Kids: How to make the gospel memorable and fun

Pentecost is one of the most exciting and dynamic stories in Christianity, making it a perfect opportunity to capture the imagination of young learners. With its powerful imagery of wind, fire, and the miraculous ability to speak in different languages, Pentecost offers a wealth of engaging teaching moments.

In this blog post, Revd Alison Gwalchmai, Bro Arwystli, tells about The Pentecost Experience. This event explores creative ways to make the story of Pentecost memorable and fun for children, helping them connect with this important event in a meaningful way.

Llanidloes Cytun (Churches Together) organized a wonderful event involving Anglicans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, and the United Reformed Church. Seeing everyone come together to give the children a memorable experience was heartwarming. It took a lot of effort from everyone involved, but we all enjoyed being part of something so special.

Over the week, we welcomed six classes from Years 3/4 and 5/6, along with their teachers and classroom assistants—about 180 children and adults. On Friday evening, parents and other visitors, about 50 in total, also joined us.

The adventure began with the children entering St Idloes Church through the west door into the bell tower. They were greeted by a Time Traveller who took them back to the day of Pentecost, complete with the sound of rushing wind as they passed through the time portal. Inside the church, the Narrator welcomed them and led a craft session to make Pentecost wind whizzers and paper flames.

After the craft, the Narrator introduced Peter, who shared the story of Jesus and the disciples hiding from the Romans. The Pentecost story came to life with narration, acting, and a back projector showing flames of fire descending upon the disciples. To illustrate the different languages, the Lord’s Prayer was displayed and recited in various languages.

The Time Traveller then led the children to Trinity Church, explaining how the disciples traveled far and wide, spreading the good news about Jesus. Place names were displayed along the path for the children to identify. The journey continued to the church schoolroom, where the children boarded a boat with Paul and Silas, experienced a shipwreck, and ended up in jail.

After their release, the Time Traveller guided them to the main church area, where they watched a short video about Welsh missionaries' work in Mizoram and Madagascar. There were four activity stations and displays about CYTUN, the Bible Society, CAFOD, and an Easter scene. A world map in the porch showed where the gospel had reached, and each child received a bookmark with flags and the words “Jesus is alive” in various languages.

At the Holy Spirit and prayer station, children wrote prayers on flame-shaped papers. They could leave their prayers for others to see or keep them private. They were reminded that they can always talk to God and He will listen. There was also a photoshoot opportunity with traditional clothes from Mizoram and Madagascar, where Jacqui Bebb shared stories of her visit there with her late husband, Rev J. Robert Bebb.

In the vestry, quiet music from Taizé and candlelight provided a moment for reflection and prayer. At the end, everyone received a cross made by Revd Keith Edwards from reclaimed wood with a flame cutout to remind them of Pentecost.

The Friday evening event was filmed and can be viewed on the Llandinam Area Pastorate YouTube page. Watch the video here.

Let us know how you share the gospel message in creative ways. Email mattbatten@cinw.org.uk