Rydym wedi symud o ddeuddeg Deoniaeth Bro i dair Synod. Mae’r Synodau’n rhoi cyfle i gynrychiolwyr o bob un o Ardaloedd Gweinidogaeth y Synod i addoli Duw ar y cyd, i dderbyn a darparu cefnogaeth ac anogaeth, i rannu arfer da, i ymddiddan am brosesau esgobaethol yn ogystal ag anghenion y gymuned ehangach, ac i osod amcanion cenhadol Synod-eang.
We have moved from twelve Area Deaneries to three Synods. The Synods provide an opportunity for representatives from across the Synod’s Ministry Areas to worship God together, to receive and provide mutual support and encouragement, to share good practice, to enter into dialogue about diocesan processes as well as the needs of the wider community, and to set Synod-wide missional aims.