Tyfu’r Eglwys
Fe’n gelwir fel disgyblion Crist i rannu ein ffydd a’n cred yn Nuw fel y gall eraill eu profi. Nid rhywbeth bwriadol neu rywbeth sydd wedi ei gynllunio yw hyn. Fel disgyblion Iesu, rydym yn adnabod ein hangen parhaus am ras, a rhannwn hynny fel y byddai claf am rannu iachâd ag eraill sydd angen meddyg. Yn yr ystyr hwn, ymwnelo twf yr Eglwys â chynnydd mewn gras yn ogystal â chynnydd mewn niferoedd (Effesiaid 4:13); ac eto, gan fod cariad Crist yn ein gorfodi, ni allwn beidio rhannu ein gobaith ag eraill.
O Dduw,
rwyt yn fy ngalw i brofi a
gweld dy fod yn wir Dduw.
Cyfeiria fy mywyd
er mwyn imi gynyddu mewn gras,
rhodd dy gariad i mi.
Cynhyrfa fy mywyd
er mwyn imi rannu daioni dy gariad gydag eraill.
Ffurfia fy mywyd
er mwyn imi hau hadau ffydd mewn eraill.
Ysbrydola fy mywyd
er mwyn imi adlewyrchu galwad dy Eglwys
i’r gymuned ehangach.
Bydd gariad fy mywyd
fel y gallaf dyfu yn nes atat
a’th wneud yn weladwy yn y byd heddiw.
Yng nghariad Crist. Amen.
Growing the Church
Disciples are called to share their faith and belief in God so that others may taste and see. This happens less by intention than by design because disciples are people who know their everlasting need of grace, and share as patients might do with others also in need of a physician. In this sense the growing of the Church is as much about an increase in grace as it is in numbers (Ephesians 4:13); and yet, because the love of Christ compels us, we cannot but seek to share our hope with others.
O God,
you call to me to come and taste and
see that you are God.
Be the flavouring in my life
that I may increase in grace,
gifted to me by your love.
Be the seasoning in my life
to help me share the goodness
of your love with others.
Be the wisdom in my life
to enable me to sow seeds of faith in others.
Be the inspiration in my life
so I may truly reflect the call of your Church
out into the wider community.
Be the love in my life
that I may grow ever closer to you
and make you more visible in the world of today.
In and with the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.