Penseiri Prosiect Llefa'r Cerrig
Mae Tîm Prosiect Llefa’r Cerrig yn falch o gadarnhau, ar ran Bwrdd Cyllid Esgobaeth Bangor, penodiad Donald Insall Associates Ltd fel Penseiri Prosiect ar gyfer bob un o’r pum safle yn y Prosiect Llefa’r Cerrig. Daw’r penodiad yn dilyn proses tendr agored a gafodd nifer o gynigion yn dod i mewn gan gwmnïau pensaernïol yng Nghymru, ac yn y Gogledd Orllewin a Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr ar gyfer y gwaith cadwraeth ac ail-drefnu a gynigir fel rhan o’r prosiect.
Dywedodd Rheolwr y Prosiect, Simon Ogdon,
Mae wedi bod yn fraint i dderbyn ac i edrych dros gymaint o geisiadau ardderchog ar gyfer y gwaith hwn, ond yn y diwedd cynigion Donald Insall Associates a aeth â’r dydd, gyda’u cyfuniad o werth am arian ac adnoddau cynhwysfawr ar draws bob un o’r pum safle, a defnyddio partneriaethau sydd eisoes yn bodoli yn lleol. O ganlyniad, roedd Bwrdd Cynghori’r Prosiect yn falch o gymeradwyo’r cynnig hwn.

Mae Donald Insall Associates yn gwmni sefydledig o benseiri gyda phortffolio eang o weithiau, gan gynnwys gwaith cadwraeth ac ailfodelu ar adeiladau hanesyddol o bwys ar draws y wlad, megis adeilad Pierhead yng Nghaerdydd, Coleg yr Iesu a Choleg y Brenin yng Nghaergrawnt, a Chestyll Caernarfon a Biwmares. Yn y gorffennol, buont hefyd yn gyfrifol am waith adnewyddu ar Gastell Windsor yn dilyn y tân yno yn 1992. Eu cadeirydd, Tony Barton, yw Pensaer y Gadeirlan presennol yng Nghaer. Pensaer Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant presennol yw Simon Malam, un o gyfarwyddwyr Donald Insall Associates, a fydd hefyd yn arwain y tîm a fydd yn gweithio ar Llefa’r Cerrig.
Dywed Simon Malam am y prosiect,
Mae Donald Insall Associates wrth eu bodd i gael eu penodi ar gyfer prosiect Llefa’r Cerrig, a fydd yn gweld buddsoddiad sylweddol mewn pump o’r adeiladau mwyaf arwyddocaol yn hanesyddol yn Esgobaeth Bangor, gan gynnwys Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant. Yr ydym yn edrych ymlaen i barhau â’n gwaith gyda’r esgobaeth i ddarparu’r newidiadau arloesol a’r gwelliannau y mae’r adeiladau hyn ei angen, er mwyn iddynt gael eu defnyddio mewn ffordd barhaol a chynaliadwy gan y cymunedau y maent yn eu gwasanaethu.
Bydd y prosiect yn gwneud gwaith adnewyddu ac adfer sylweddol i bum eglwys rhestredig Gradd I yn yr esgobaeth, gan gynnwys Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor. Bwriedir gwneud gwaith uwchraddio sylweddol i’w cyfleusterau er mwyn iddynt gwrdd â safonau hygyrchedd a chynaliadwyedd modern, fel rhan o ymrwymiad yr Eglwys yng Nghymru i gyrraedd sero net dros y ddegawd nesaf. Bwriedir newidiadau arloesol hefyd er mwyn gwella profiad ymwelwyr a dadansoddi treftadaeth yr adeiladau, cefnogi cynlluniau pererindod ac addoli, ac i helpu i groesawu cynulleidfaoedd newydd i adeiladau sydd yn datgan stori ffydd a hanes Cymru.

Dywedodd Esgob Cynorthwyol Bangor, y Gwir Barchedig Mary Stallard, am y newyddion,
Yr ydym wedi ein galw, ar draws yr Eglwys yng Nghymru, i wneud i’n lleoedd addoli hynafol i ‘lefaru’ fel mannau o harddwch a gwasanaeth. Mae’r Prosiect Llefa’r Cerrig yn galluogi adnewyddu pump o’n heglwysi allweddol ar gyfer cenhadaeth. Mae’r cydweithio strategol ar draws y safleoedd yn cynrychioli ffordd newydd o weithio ar gyfer Esgobaeth Bangor a’r Eglwys yng Nghymru gyda’i gilydd. Rwy’n falch iawn o weld cwmni o faint a bri Donald Insall Associates yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda’r Esgobaeth i sicrhau gweithredu’r prosiect hwn, ac rwy’n edrych ymlaen at y dyfodol disglair y bydd yr adeiladau gwych hyn a’u cymunedau yn eu mwynhau o ganlyniad.
Prif ffocws rhan gyntaf y gwaith ar y cyd rhwng yr esgobaeth a Donald Insall fydd darparu dogfennaeth ar gyfer gwneud cais i Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol, ac ar hyn o bryd disgwylir y gwneir hynny ym mis Chwefror 2023.
Dywedodd Cadeirydd Donald Insall Associates, Tony Barton,
Mae hwn yn gyfle ardderchog i wneud yn fawr o bum adeilad arbennig yng Ngogledd Cymru. Yr ydym yn mwynhau gweithio gyda cleientau blaengar megis Esgobaeth Bangor a’u cefnogi gyda’n hagwedd arloesol a chadarnhaol at gadwraeth, sy’n caniatáu ychwanegiadau a gwelliannau sy’n perthyn i’r 21ain ganrif.
Project Architects for Llefa'r Cerrig

The Llefa’r Cerrig Project Team is pleased to confirm, on behalf of Bangor Diocesan Board of Finance, the appointment of Donald Insall Associates Ltd as the Project Architects for all five sites of the Llefa’r Cerrig Project. The appointment comes following an open tender process that saw multiple proposals come in from architectural practices in Wales, and the North West and West Midlands of England for the conservation and re-ordering work proposed as part of the project.
Project Manager Simon Ogdon said,
It has been a privilege to receive and review so many excellent proposals for this work, but in the end it was Donald Insall Associates’ proposed combination of good value for money and comprehensive resourcing across all five sites, utilising existing local partnerships, that tipped the balance. Consequently, the Project Advisory Board was pleased to commend this proposal.
Donald Insall Associates are a well-established firm of architects with a wide portfolio of work, including conservation and remodelling work at major historical buildings across the country, such as the Pierhead Building in Cardiff, Jesus and King’s Colleges in Cambridge, and Caernarfon and Beaumaris Castles. Historically, they were also responsible for the restoration work at Windsor Castle following the fire there in 1992. Their chairman, Tony Barton, is also the current Cathedral Architect at Chester and the current Cathedral Architect for Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral is Simon Malam, one of their Directors, who will also be leading the team working on Llefa’r Cerrig.

Simon Malam said of the project,
Donald Insall Associates are delighted to be appointed for the Llefa’r Cerrig project, which will see major investment in five of the most historically significant buildings within the Diocese of Bangor, including Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral. We look forward to continuing our work with the diocese to deliver the innovative change and enhancement these buildings need, for continued and sustainable use by the communities they serve.
The project will see significant renovation and restoration across five Grade I listed churches in the diocese, including Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral itself in Bangor. Major upgrades to facilities are planned to meet modern accessibility and sustainability standards as part of the Church in Wales commitment to achieving net-zero over the next decade. Innovative interventions will also to improve visitor experience and interpretation of the heritage of the buildings, supporting pilgrimage and worship initiatives, and helping to welcome new audiences to buildings that tell the story of faith and the history of Wales.
The Assistant Bishop of Bangor, the Right Reverend Mary Stallard, said of the news,
We are called, across the Church in Wales, to cause our ancient places of worship to ‘shout out’ as places of beauty and service. The Llefa’r Cerrig Project is enabling six of our key churches to be restored for mission. The strategic collaboration across sites represents a new way of working for the Diocese of Bangor and the Church in Wales as a whole. I am very pleased to see a firm of the size and stature of Donald Insall Associates working in partnership with the Diocese to ensure delivery of this project, and I look forward to the bright future these wonderful buildings and their communities will enjoy as a result.
The main focus of the initial phase of joint work between the diocese and Donald Insall will be the preparation of documentation for an application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, currently expected to be made in February 2023.
Donald Insall Associates’ Chairman, Tony Barton said,
This is an excellent opportunity to bring out the best in five special buildings in North Wales. We enjoy working with, and supporting forward thinking clients such as the Diocese of Bangor with our innovative and constructive approach to conservation, which allows 21st century enhancements and improvements.