Ionawr 2025
Ers lansio ein llwybr pererindod newydd, Llwybr Cadfan, yng Ngogledd Cymru, mae prosiect Stampiau Pererin wedi mynd o nerth i nerth. Gan weithio gyda Swyddog Ymgysylltu Pererindodau Ysgolion Nia Roberts, mae ysgolion yn dylunio stampiau sy'n adlewyrchu eu heglwysi, ffynhonnau a safleoedd treftadaeth lleol. Mae prosiect stampiau Pererin yn cyd-fynd â phwyslais cwricwlwm Cymru ar gynefin - y ddealltwriaeth o gymuned, diwylliant a lle.

Mae dros 200 o blant wedi cwblhau gweithdy Pererin Ysgolion hyd yma, yn dysgu am bererindod trwy gyflwyniadau, gwaith trafod a thrwy greu dyluniadau’r stampiau. Cyflwynodd pum ysgol uwchradd waith celf yn ystod tymor yr Haf, gyda 13 ysgol arall i gymryd rhan erbyn diwedd Chwefror 2025.
Rydym wedi derbyn adborth cadarnhaol gan yr ysgolion.
- “Diolch yn fawr iawn am roi'r cyfle i ni fod yn ran o'r prosiect. Roedd y plant a'r staff wedi mwynhau'n fawr iawn. Fedri di gofio amdanom i drefnu taith gerdded pererindod plis? Byddwn yn awyddus iawn i gael trefnu rhywbeth fel wnes di sôn amdano.”
- “Diolch am ddiwrnod hynod o ddifyr ddoe- wedi ei drefnu a'i gynllunio yn drylwyr. Yr athrawes ddosbarth yn yn brolio yn ofnadwy a siarad gyda'r plant bore ‘ma yn cadarnhau eu bod wedi mwynhau.”
- “Diolch yn fawr iawn am yr holl waith paratoi a chyflwyniad mor egnïol drwy’r dydd. Roedd yn brofiad cofiadwy iawn i’r plant a minnau.”
Meddai Nia Roberts, " Mae’r disgyblion wedi cynhyrchu gwaith celf arbennig yn dathlu’r eglwysi, ffynhonnau, pentrefi a threfi sydd ar hyd Llwybr Cadfan, a’n dysgwyr yn llawn diddordeb yn eu hanes Cristnogol lleol. Edrychaf ymlaen at gwblhau ymweliadau gyda 13 ysgol arall o fewn y prosiect erbyn diwedd Chwefror 2025 a chyhoeddi’r dyluniadau buddugol. Bydd arddangosfeydd yn cael eu trefnu i ddathlu a gwerthfawrogi’r gwaith.”
Mae prosiect stampiau Pererin yn cyd-fynd â phwyslais cwricwlwm Cymru ar gynefin - y ddealltwriaeth o gymuned, diwylliant a lle. Os hoffai eich ysgol gymryd rhan, cysylltwch â Nia Roberts niaroberts@cinw.org.uk
Mae Prosiect Pererin wedi dechrau cyfres o ymweliadau gydag ysgolion sydd wedi eu lleoli ar hyd Llwybr Cadfan.
Mae Nia Elain Roberts, Swyddog Pererindodau Ysgolion, Elin Owen, Hwylusydd y Gymraeg ac Anna Riley, ein Swyddog Llwybrau Pererindod wedi bod yn cydweithio ar brosiect gyda’r nod o greu 25 stamp ar gyfer lleoliadau pererindod penodol ar hyd y llwybr.

Bwriad y prosiect yw galluogi pererinion i gasglu’r stampiau hyn o fewn pasbort ar hyd Llwybr Cadfan. Bydd modd casglu 2 stamp ar gyfer pob dydd o gerdded ar y llwybr ac un stamp ychwanegol i gofnodi ymweliad gydag Ynys Enlli.
Yn ôl Nia "Bydd y prosiect yma yn ymgysylltu ysgolion gyda bodolaeth Llwybr Cadfan sydd o fewn eu cymuned ac yn gychwyn cyffrous tuag at ddatblygu’r testun ‘Pererindod’ ymhellach o fewn gwaith ysgolion yr Esgobaeth. Mae hi’n thema sy’n ateb gofynion addysgu’r Cwricwlwm Newydd i Gymru o fewn Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad Dyniaethau.
Mae Prosiect Pererin yn datblygu cyfleodd sy’n arwain yn naturiol at ddysgu am ffydd yn y gymuned leol a gweithio yn yr awyr agored sy’n rhan bwysig bellach o waith cynllunio ysgolion.”
January 2025
Since launching Llwybr Cadfan, our new pilgrimage route in North West Wales, the Pilgrim Stamps project has gone from strength to strength. Working with Schools Pilgrimage Engagement Officer Nia Roberts, schools are designing stamps that reflect their local churches, wells, and heritage sites.

Over 200 children have completed the Schools Pilgrim workshop so far, learning about pilgrimage through presentations, discussions, and creating stamp designs. Five secondary schools submitted artwork during the Summer term, with 13 more schools set to participate by the end of February 2025.
Llwybr Cadfan stamp project has ben very well received by the schools. Here's some of the feedback we've received.
- "Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to be part of the project. The children and staff enjoyed it immensely. Can you keep us in mind when the opportunity arises to organize a pilgrimage walk please? I would be very keen to arrange something like you mentioned."
- "Thank you for an extremely entertaining day yesterday - thoroughly organized and well planned. The class teacher was full of praise and talking to the children this morning confirmed that they had enjoyed the workshop."
- "Thank you very much for all the preparation work and for such an energetic presentation throughout the day. It was a very memorable experience for the children and myself."
Nia Roberts said, "The pupils have produced exceptional artwork celebrating the churches, wells, villages, and towns along St. Cadfan's Way, with our learners showing great interest in their local Christian history. I look forward to completing visits with 13 more schools within the project by the end of February 2025 and publishing the winning designs. Exhibitions will be organized to celebrate and appreciate the work."
The Pilgrim stamps project aligns with the Welsh curriculum's emphasis on cynefin - the understanding of community, culture, and place If your school would like to participate please contact Nia Roberts niaroberts@cinw.org.uk
The Pererin Project has started a series of visits with schools located along Llwybr Cadfan.
Nia Elain Roberts, School Pilgrimage Officer, Elin Owen, Welsh Language Facilitator and Anna Riley, our Pilgrim Way Officer have been working together on a project with the aim of creating 25 stamps for specific pilgrim places along the route.

The aim of the project is to enable pilgrims to collect these stamps within a passport along Llwybr Cadfan. It will be possible to collect 2 stamps for each day of walking on the path and one additional stamp to record a visit to Ynys Enlli.
According to Nia, "This project will engage schools with the existence of Llwybr Cadfan which is within their community and is an exciting start towards developing the subject of 'Pilgrimage' further within the Diocese's schools’ work. It is a theme that answers the teaching requirements of the New Curriculum for Wales within the Humanities Area of Learning, offering opportunities that lead naturally towards learning about faith in the local community and working outdoors which is now an important part of school planning.”