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Wrth y bwrdd

Addoliad syml ar yr aelwyd ac mewn Eglwys Iau ar gyfer teuluoedd ifanc

Trydydd Sul y Deyrnas

Gallaf fod yn debycach i Iesu

Ymlonyddu gyda'n gilydd

1. Goleuwch gannwyll.

2. Darllenwch:

A dywedodd Duw, "Bydded goleuni." A bu goleuni. Gwelodd Duw fod y goleuni yn dda; a gwahanodd Duw y goleuni oddi wrth y tywyllwch. A bu hwyr a bu bore, y dydd cyntaf.

Genesis 1:3-5

Dyma’r dydd y gweithredodd yr Arglwydd; gorfoleddwn a llawenhawn ynddo.

Salm 118:24

Meddwl gyda'n gilydd 

Pwy ydych chi’n meddwl yw’r pobl yma? Beth maent yn ei wneud? I ble maent yn mynd?

Darllen gyda'n gilydd 

Gwyliwch y stori gyda’ch gilydd ac yna ei ddarllen yma.

Dyma Iesu'n dweud stori arall wrthyn nhw:  “Mae teyrnasiad yr Un nefol yn debyg i frenin yn trefnu gwledd briodas i'w fab.  Anfonodd ei weision i ddweud wrth y rhai oedd wedi cael gwahoddiad fod popeth yn barod, ond roedden nhw'n gwrthod dod.

“Anfonodd weision eraill i ddweud wrthyn nhw: ‘Mae'r wledd yn barod. Dw i wedi lladd teirw a bustych, felly dewch i'r wledd!’

“Ond wnaethon nhw ddim cymryd unrhyw sylw, dim ond cerdded i ffwrdd – un i'w faes, ac un arall i'w fusnes. Yna dyma'r gweddill yn gafael yn y gweision a'u cam-drin nhw a'u lladd. Roedd y brenin yn wyllt gynddeiriog. Anfonodd ei fyddin i ladd y llofruddion a llosgi eu tref.

“Yna meddai wrth ei weision, ‘Mae'r wledd briodas yn barod, ond doedd y rhai gafodd wahoddiad ddim yn haeddu cael dod. Felly ewch i sefyll ar y priffyrdd sy'n mynd allan o'r ddinas, a gwahodd pwy bynnag ddaw heibio i ddod i'r wledd.’ Felly dyma'r gweision yn mynd allan i'r strydoedd a chasglu pawb allen nhw ddod o hyd iddyn nhw – y drwg a'r da. A llanwyd y neuadd briodas â gwesteion.

“Ond pan ddaeth y brenin i mewn i edrych ar y gwesteion, sylwodd fod yno un oedd ddim yn gwisgo dillad addas i briodas. ‘Gyfaill,’ meddai wrtho, ‘sut wnest ti lwyddo i ddod i mewn yma heb fod yn gwisgo dillad ar gyfer priodas?’ Allai'r dyn ddim ateb.

“Yna dyma'r brenin yn dweud wrth ei weision, ‘Rhwymwch ei ddwylo a'i draed, a'i daflu allan i'r tywyllwch, lle bydd pobl yn wylo'n chwerw ac mewn artaith.’

“Mae llawer wedi cael gwahoddiad, ond ychydig sy'n cael eu dewis.”

Yn y fideo mae’r dyn yn gwisgo ei dei ac yn cael ei groesawu gan y brenin. Ond mae Iesu hefyd yn sôn am ddyn arall, nad oedd wedi trafferthu gwisgo’n daclus i fynd i’r parti, ac a gafodd ei daflu allan gan y brenin.

Myfyrio gyda'n gilydd

Ydych chi’n meddwl fod hyn yn golygu y dylen ni fynd o gwmpas yn gwisgo ffrogiau parti a siwtiau bob amser?

Mae’r Beibl yn dweud y dylem ni wisgo’n hunain gyda Christ. Sut mae hynny’n edrych? Allwn ni ddim gwisgo person arall!

Mewn rhannau eraill o’r Beibl rydyn ni’n darllen am wahanol ffyrdd y gallwn ni ‘wisgo’ ein gilydd.

Colosiaid 3 – “gwisgwch amdanoch dynerwch calon, tiriondeb, gostyngeiddrwydd, addfwynder ac amynedd a chariad”.

Dyma’r pethau y dylai pobl allu eu gweld wrth iddyn nhw edrych arnom ni.

Trafodwch gyda’ch gilydd sut y gallai hynny edrych.

Pan fyddwch chi’n codi yn y bore ac yn gwisgo amdanoch, beth sy’n rhaid i chi ei wneud yn gyntaf? Tynnu’ch pyjamas. Allwch chi ddim gwisgo’ch dillad dros eich pyjamas!

Pan fyddwch chi’n mynd yn fwdlyd ac yn wlyb wrth chwarae, fyddwch chi ddim yn rhoi'ch dillad glân dros y dillad budr. Byddai hynny’n wirion! Rydych yn tynnu’ch dillad budron ac yn gwisgo’ch rhai glân.

Mae’r Beibl yn dweud, os ydyn ni’n ffrindiau i Iesu, bod yr hen wedi mynd a’r newydd wedi dod.

Efallai bod yna bethau y dylen ni gael gwared arnyn nhw cyn y gallwn ni wisgo’n hunain gydag Iesu?

Gweddio gyda'n gilydd

Byddwch angen:

  • Papur A4 – lliw, plaen neu batrwm yn iawn (os nad oes gennych ch i bapur A4 bydd unrhyw bapur hirsgwar yn gwneud y tro – galwch ddefnyddio papur lapio)
  • Ychydig o linyn neu ruban i wneud lein dillad
  • Pegiau dillad
  1. Plygwch y papur yn ei hanner ar ei hyd
  2. Ei agor ac yna plygwch y ddwy ymyl i mewn i'r canol
  3. Agorwch y corneli allan fel eu bod yn sefyll allan fel adenydd pili pala
  4. Trowch y papur drosodd fel bod y corneli wedi’u plygu oddi tano a’i droi rownd fel eu bod agosaf atoch chi
  5. Plygwch ymyl y pen i lawr tua chentimetr
  6. Trowch y papur drosodd eto a phlygwch gorneli’r pen i’r canol gyda’r pwyntiau’n cyfarfod tua chentimetr o'r pen uchaf
  7. Plygwch waelod y papur i fyny a’i roi o dan y ‘fflapiau’.
  8. Nawr, mae gennych chi grys origami!

Dyma ddolen i fideo TikTok ar Pinterest – allwch chi ei guro? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/422212533822542567...

Tynnwch y lein dillad allan ac, os yn bosibl, ei chlymu wrth rywbeth.

Pegiwch y crysau rydych wedi’u gwneud ar y lein a gofyn i Dduw eich helpu i wisgo’r dillad cywir pob dydd. Efallai y gallwch ei hongian ger eich drws ffrynt er mwyn ei gweld pob tro y byddwch yn gadael y tŷ.

Actio gyda'n gilydd

Cynlluniwch bryd arbennig i chi fel teulu. Gosodwch y bwrdd yn fwy gofalus nag arfer a gwisgwch i fyny ar gyfer pryd arbennig gyda’ch gilydd. Gallech ddefnyddio’r un gannwyll yng nghanol y bwrdd ag oedd gennych yn ystod eich amser gyda’ch gilydd yma.

Gorffen gyda'n gilydd

Bydded i Dduw, ffynhonnell gobaith, eich llenwi â phob llawenydd a thangnefedd wrth ichwi arfer eich ffydd, nes eich bod, trwy nerth yr Ysbryd Glân, yn gorlifo â gobaith.

Diffoddwch y gannwyll.

Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am Wrth y bwrdd, Llythyr yr Esgob a chyhoeddiadau esgobaethol


At the table

Simple worship at home and at Junior Church for young families

Third Sunday of the Kingdom

I can be more like Jesus

Stilling together

1. Light a candle.

2. Read:

God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, and God saw the light was good, and he separated light from darkness. So evening came, and morning came; it was the first day.

Genesis 1: 3-5

This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118: 24

Discussing together

Who do you think these people are? What do they do? Where are they going?

Reading together

Watch the story together and then read it here:

Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.

‘Then he sent some more servants and said, “Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.”

‘But they paid no attention and went off – one to his field, another to his business. The rest seized his servants, ill-treated them and killed them. The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.

‘Then he said to his servants, “The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.” So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.

‘But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked, “How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?” The man was speechless.

‘Then the king told the attendants, “Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

‘For many are invited, but few are chosen.’

In the video the man put on a tie and was welcomed by the king. But Jesus also tells of another man who didn’t bother to get dressed up to go the party and he got thrown out by the king.

Reflecting together

Do you think this means we should always go around wearing party dresses and suits?

The Bible tells us that we should clothe ourselves with Christ. What does that look like? We can’t wear another person!

In other places in the Bible we read about different ways we can ‘clothe’ ourselves.

Colossians 3 – “clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility gentleness, patience and love”

These are things that people should be able to see when they look at us.

Discuss together what that might look like.

When you get up in the morning and get dressed what do you have to do first? Take off your pyjamas. You can’t put your clothes on over your pyjamas!

When you get muddy and wet when you’re playing you don’t put your clean clothes on over the dirty ones. That would be silly! You take off your dirty clothes and put on your clean ones.

We are told in the Bible that if we are friends of Jesus then the old has gone and the new has come.

Might there be things we need to ‘take off’ before we can clothe ourselves with Jesus?

Praying together

You will need:

  • A4 paper – coloured, plain or patterned are fine (If you don’t have A4 paper any rectangle of paper will do – you could use wrapping paper)
  • Some string or ribbon to make a clothes line
  • Clothes pegs
  1. Fold the paper in half lengthways
  2. Open it up and then fold the two edges into the middle
  3. Open the corners out so they stick out like butterfly wings
  4. Flip the paper over so the folded corners are underneath and turn it around so they closest to you
  5. Fold the top edge down about a cm or so
  6. Flip the paper over and fold the top corners into the middle with the points meeting about a cm from the top
  7. Fold up the bottom of the paper anad tuck it under the ‘flaps’.
  8. You now have an origami shirt!

Here’s a link to a TikTok video on Pinterest – can you beat it? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/422212533822542567/

Stretch out the clothes line and, if possible, attach it somewhere.

Peg the shirts you have made on to the line asking God to help you to wear the right clothes every day. Maybe you could hang it by your front door so you see each time you leave the house. 

Acting together

Plan a special meal to have as a family. Lay the table with extra care and get dressed up for a special meal together. You could use the same candle in the centre of the table as you use during your time together here.

Finishing together

The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow with hope.

Blow out the candle.

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