Wrth y bwrdd
Addoliad syml ar yr aelwyd ac mewn Eglwys Iau ar gyfer teuluoedd ifanc
Yr Ail Sul ar Bymtheg wedi'r Drindod
Gallaf ffeindio trysor
Ymlonyddu gyda'n gilydd
1. Goleuwch gannwyll.
2. Darllenwch:
A dywedodd Duw, "Bydded goleuni." A bu goleuni. Gwelodd Duw fod y goleuni yn dda; a gwahanodd Duw y goleuni oddi wrth y tywyllwch. A bu hwyr a bu bore, y dydd cyntaf.
Genesis 1:3-5
Dyma’r dydd y gweithredodd yr Arglwydd; gorfoleddwn a llawenhawn ynddo.
Salm 118:24
Trafod gyda'n gilydd
Noder: Mae hwn yn ymarfer eithaf anodd. Cofiwch fod croeso i chi ei addasu ar gyfer eich teulu chi. Y bwriad yw helpu plant i feddwl am roi'r gorau i rywbeth y maen nhw'n ei feddwl sy'n bwysig er mwyn cael rhywbeth hyd yn oed yn well. Efallai y byddai gêm o Top Trumps yn well os oes gennych chi set. Ffordd hawdd arall o’i gyfleu fyddai rhoi 5 bisgïen ac yna gynnig hufen ia yn eu lle. Fydden nhw’n barod i roi’r bisgedi’n ôl er mwyn cael yr hufen ia?
Neu, os ydych yn fodlon gyda’r ymarfer canlynol yna....
Byddwch angen:
- nodiadau post-it neu ddarnau o bapur
- pen
Ysgrifennwch bump peth sy’n bwysig i chi fel unigolyn ar ddarnau o bapur / nodiadau post-it.
Pan fyddwch chi wedi’i eu cael i gyd, ceisiwch benderfynu pa bump yr hoffech chi fel teulu eu cadw. Pa bethau pwysig fyddai’n rhaid i rywun roi’r gorau iddyn nhw er mwyn i chi fel teulu gadw dim ond pump?
- Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i roi’r gorau i rywbeth?
- Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i ddewis y pump peth pwysicaf?
- Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i gyfaddef fod gan rywun arall well syniad na chi?
- Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i roi’r gorau a pham?
Dychmygu gyda'n gilydd
Gwrandewch ar y stori ganlynol gyda’ch gilydd:
Darllen gyda'n gilydd
Mae’r darn o’r Beibl heddiw yn un byr iawn. Mae’n dweud:
Y mae teyrnas nefoedd yn debyg i drysor wedi’i guddio mewn maes; pan ddaeth dyn o hyd iddo, fe’i cuddiodd, ac yn ei lawenydd y mae’n mynd ac yn gwerthu’r cwbl oedd ganddo, ac yn prynu’r maes hwnnw.
‘Eto y mae teyrnas nefoedd yn debyg i fasnachwr sy’n chwilio am berlau gwych. Wedi iddo ddarganfod un perl gwerthfawr, aeth i ffwrdd a gwerthu’r cwbl oedd ganddo, a’i brynu.
Yn union fel y ddraig, Beti, mae’r bobl yn y storïau roedd Iesu’n eu hadrodd wedi gwerthu popeth oedd ganddyn nhw er mwyn gallu prynu’r trysor.
A beth yw’r trysor – y trysor mwyaf a welodd y byd erioed?
Teyrnas nefoedd yw’r trysor. Dyma’r adegau a’r mannau lle gallwn ni weld Duw mewn gofal o'n byd. Dyma’r adegau a’r mannau lle mae yna gariad, haelioni, maddeuant, doethineb, amynedd a ffyddlondeb. Oni fyddai’n rhyfeddol pe bydden ni’n gallu cael teyrnas nefoedd ym mhob man ac ym mhob peth?!
Myfyrio gyda'n gilydd
Dyw Iesu ddim yn dweud wrthym ni am werthu ein holl deganau, ein gwelyau, soffa, teledu, cartrefi na’n dillad. Ond mae Iesu’n gofyn i ni gofio fod teyrnas nefoedd mor bwysig fel y dylen ni fod yn barod i roi’r gorau i bopeth er ei mwyn hi.
Mae hynny’n anodd.
Gweddïo gyda'n gilydd
Byddwch angen:
- bocsys Wyau
- siswrn
- gwlân cotwm / wadin
- ‘trysor’ – yn ddelfrydol perl neu fwclis
- tâp gludog
- glud
Torrwch allan ddwy ‘gwpan' o’r bocs wyau
Trowch un â’i phen i lawr a glynwch y ddau ddarn gyda’i gilydd gyda’r tâp gludog i ffurfio cragen.
Gludwch y darn o wlân cotwm ar ddarn isaf y gragen a rhowch y perl ar ei phen.
Wrth i chi ddal y gragen a’r perl yn eich llaw, gofynnwch i Dduw eich helpu i gofio pa mor werthfawr yw teyrnas nefoedd.
Gorffen gyda'n gilydd
Bydded i Dduw, ffynhonnell gobaith, eich llenwi â phob llawenydd a thangnefedd wrth ichwi arfer eich ffydd, nes eich bod, trwy nerth yr Ysbryd Glân, yn gorlifo â gobaith.
Diffoddwch y gannwyll.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am Wrth y bwrdd, Llythyr yr Esgob a chyhoeddiadau esgobaethol
At the table
Simple worship at home and at Junior Church for young families
The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
I can find treasure
Stilling together
1. Light a candle.
2. Read:
God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, and God saw the light was good, and he separated light from darkness. So evening came, and morning came; it was the first day.
Genesis 1: 3-5
This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118: 24
Discussing together
Note: This is quite a challenging exercise. Please feel free to adapt it to best suit your family. The aim is to help children to think about giving something up which they think is important in order to gain something even better. It may be that a game of Top Trumps would be better if you have a set. Another simple illustration would be to give 5 biscuits but then offer an ice cream instead. Are they willing to give up the biscuits in order to get the ice cream?
Alternatively if you are happy to engage in the following exercise then...
You will need:
- post-it notes or scraps of paper
- a pen
Write down 5 things that are important to you individually on separate pieces of paper/post-it notes.
When you have them all try and decide on 5 that you would like to keep as a family. Which important things might someone have to give up in order for you as a family to keep to just 5?
- How easy was it to give something up?
- How easy was it to choose the 5 most important?
- How easy was it to admit that someone else had a better idea than you?
- What was easy to give up and why?
Imagining together
Listen to the following story together:
Reading together
Today’s Bible passage is a very short one. It says:
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Just like the dragon Beti, the people in these stories that Jesus told sold everything they had so that they could buy the treasure.
And what is the treasure – the greatest treasure the world has ever known?
It’s the kingdom of heaven. It’s the times and places when we can see God in charge in our world. It’s those times and places where there is love, generosity, forgiveness, wisdom, patience and faithfulness. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could have the kingdom of heaven everywhere and in everything?!
Reflecting together
Jesus isn’t asking us to sell all our toys, our beds, sofa, tvs, homes or our clothes. But Jesus is asking us to remember that the kingdom of heaven is so important that we should be willing to give up everything for it.
That’s a hard challenge.
Praying together
You will need:
- egg Boxes
- scissors
- cotton wool
- ‘treasure’ – ideally a pearl or a bead
- sticky tape
- glue
Cut out two ‘cups’ from the egg box
Turn one upside down and, using a piece of sticky tape, attach the two pieces together to form a shell.
Glue a piece of cotton wool into the bottom section of the shell and place the pearl on top.
As you hold the shell and the pearl in your hand ask God to help you remember just how precious the kingdom of heaven is.
Finishing together
The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow with hope.
Blow out the candle.