Wrth y bwrdd
Addoliad syml ar yr aelwyd ac mewn Eglwys Iau ar gyfer teuluoedd ifanc
Y Pedwerydd Sul ar Bymtheg wedi'r Drindod
Gallaf faddau
Ymlonyddu gyda'n gilydd
1. Goleuwch gannwyll.
2. Darllenwch:
A dywedodd Duw, "Bydded goleuni." A bu goleuni. Gwelodd Duw fod y goleuni yn dda; a gwahanodd Duw y goleuni oddi wrth y tywyllwch. A bu hwyr a bu bore, y dydd cyntaf.
Genesis 1:3-5
Dyma’r dydd y gweithredodd yr Arglwydd; gorfoleddwn a llawenhawn ynddo.
Salm 118:24
Trafod gyda'n gilydd
Pa rifau ydych chi’n eu hadnabod?
Dyma ychydig bach o hwyl wrth ddefnyddio rhifau!
- 0 yw oed Harri’r VI pan ddaeth yn frenin Lloegr (roedd yn 9 mis oed)
- 3 yw faint o bobl sydd wedi bod i waelod un y môr
- 10 yw faint o oriau o gwsg mae plant eu hangen y noson
- 22 yw faint o oriau o gwsg mae koala eu hangen pob noson
- 1 yw sawl pŵ mae diogyn (sloth) yn ei gael, ar gyfartaledd, mewn wythnos
- 1,000,000,000 (biliwn) yw faint o gelloedd bacteria sydd mewn un llwy de sengl o bridd
Sawl diwrnod ydych chi’n mynd i’r ysgol / meithrinfa?
Am faint o flynyddoedd ydych chi wedi bod yn fyw?
Faint o bobl sydd yn eich teulu?
Sawl blewyn sydd ar eich pen?
Faint o weithiau ddylem ni ddweud sori wrth rywun?
Darllen gyda'n gilydd
Wyddoch chi beth yw ystyr ‘maddau’? Pan fydd rhywun yn dweud “mae’n ddrwg gen i” ar ôl gwneud rhywbeth o’i le, rydyn ni i fod i faddau i’r person hwnnw.
Pethau eraill y gallwn ddweud yn lle hynny yw:
- Mae’n oce.
- Dw’n deall
- Beth am drio eto
- Dw i wedi gwrando ac wedi dy glywed
- Dw i’n gweld hyn o dy safbwynt di
Gofynnodd Pedr i Iesu am faddeuant un diwrnod. Darllenwch y stori isod
Gofynnodd Pedr i Iesu, “Arglwydd, sawl gwaith ddylwn i faddau i frawd neu chwaer sy'n dal ati i bechu yn fy erbyn? Gymaint â saith gwaith?” Atebodd Iesu, “Na, wir i ti, dim saith gwaith, ond o leia saith deg saith gwaith!
“Dyna sut mae'r Un nefol yn teyrnasu – mae fel brenin oedd wedi benthyg arian i'w swyddogion, ac am archwilio'r cyfrifon. Roedd newydd ddechrau ar y gwaith pan ddaethon nhw â dyn o'i flaen oedd mewn dyled o filiynau lawer iddo. Doedd y swyddog ddim yn gallu talu'r ddyled, felly gorchmynnodd y meistr i'r dyn a'i wraig a'i blant gael eu gwerthu yn gaethweision, a bod y cwbl o'i eiddo i gael ei werthu hefyd, i dalu'r ddyled.
“Syrthiodd y dyn ar ei liniau o'i flaen, a phledio, ‘Rho amser i mi, ac fe dalaf i'r cwbl yn ôl i ti.’ Felly am ei fod yn teimlo trueni drosto, dyma'r meistr yn canslo'r ddyled gyfan a gadael iddo fynd yn rhydd. Ond pan aeth y dyn allan, daeth ar draws un o'i gydweithwyr oedd mewn dyled fechan iddo. Gafaelodd ynddo a dechrau ei dagu, gan ddweud ‘Pryd wyt ti'n mynd i dalu dy ddyled i mi?’ Dyma'r cydweithiwr yn syrthio ar ei liniau a chrefu, ‘Rho amser i mi, ac fe dalaf i'r cwbl yn ôl i ti.’ Ond gwrthododd y dyn wrando arno. Yn lle hynny, aeth â'r mater at yr awdurdodau, a chafodd ei gydweithiwr ei daflu i'r carchar nes gallai dalu'r ddyled.
“Roedd y gweision eraill wedi ypsetio'n fawr pan welon nhw beth ddigwyddodd, a dyma nhw'n mynd ac yn dweud y cwbl wrth y brenin. Felly dyma'r brenin yn galw'r dyn yn ôl. ‘Y cnaf drwg!’ meddai wrtho, ‘wnes i ganslo dy ddyled di yn llwyr am i ti grefu mor daer o mlaen i. Ddylet ti ddim maddau i dy gydweithiwr fel gwnes i faddau i ti?’ Roedd y brenin yn gandryll, felly gorchmynnodd daflu'r swyddog i'r carchar i gael ei arteithio nes iddo dalu'r cwbl o'r ddyled yn ôl.
“Dyna sut fydd fy Nhad nefol yn delio gyda chi os na wnewch chi faddau'n llwyr i'ch gilydd.”
Myfyrio gyda'n gilydd
Yn gynharach yn Efengyl Mathew roedden ni’n clywed Iesu’n dweud, “Felly, beth bynnag y dymunwch i ddynion ei wneud i chwi, gwnewch chwithau felly iddynt hwy.”
- Beth ydych chi’n feddwl yw ystyr hynny?
- A wnaeth y gwas yn y stori ddilyn y rheol hon? Beth dylai fod wedi’i wneud yn wahanol?
- Ydych chi’n meddwl ei bod yn hawdd maddau? Beth pe byddai’n rhaid i ni wneud hynny lawer gwaith?
Pob tro rydyn ni’n dweud sori wrth Dduw, mae’n maddau i ni. Mae hynny’n rhywbeth arbennig iawn i wybod. (ond nid yw’n golygu y gallwn ddal ati i fod yn ddrwg cofia!) Mae’n golygu y dylem ni faddau i bawb pan maen nhw’n dweud sori wrthym ni – bob tro!
Gweddio gyda'n gilydd
Byddwch angen:
- Papur lliw
- Pen neu bensil
- Siswrn
Tynnwch linell o gwmpas eich llaw a’i dorri allan.
Ysgrifennwch neu dynnu llun ar bob bys un peth y gallwn ni ei wneud i ddilyn y rheol. Efallai bod yn garedig, helpu, hael, amyneddgar, maddeugar neu rywbeth arall.
Gofynnwch i Dduw ein helpu i gofio gwneud y pethau hyn drosodd a throsodd a throsodd eto!
Gorffen gyda'n gilydd
Bydded i Dduw, ffynhonnell gobaith, eich llenwi â phob llawenydd a thangnefedd wrth ichwi arfer eich ffydd, nes eich bod, trwy nerth yr Ysbryd Glân, yn gorlifo â gobaith.
Diffoddwch y gannwyll.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am Wrth y bwrdd, Llythyr yr Esgob a chyhoeddiadau esgobaethol
At the table
Simple worship at home and at Junior Church for young families
The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
I can forgive
Stilling together
1. Light a candle.
2. Read:
God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, and God saw the light was good, and he separated light from darkness. So evening came, and morning came; it was the first day.
Genesis 1: 3-5
This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118: 24
Discussing together
What numbers do you know?
Here are some fun facts using numbers!
- 0 is how old Henry VI was when he became king of England (he was 9 months)
- 3 is the number of people who’ve been to the very bottom of the sea
- 10 is how many hours sleep human children need a night
- 22 is the number of hours sleep a koala needs each night
- 1 is the average number of poos a sloth has in a week.
- 1,000,000,000 (a billion) is the number of bacteria cells you would find on a single teaspoon of soil
How many days do you go to school/nursery?
How many years have you been alive?
How many people are in your family?
How many hairs are on your head?
How many times should we say sorry to someone?
Reading together
Do you know what ‘forgive’ means? When someone says, “I’m sorry” when they’ve done something wrong we’re meant to forgive them.
Other things we could say instead are:
- That’s okay
- I understand
- Let’s try that again
- I’ve listened and heard you
- I can see this from your point of view
Peter asked Jesus about forgiveness one day. Read the story below.
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’
Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Or seventy times seven
‘Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.
‘At this the servant fell on his knees before him. “Be patient with me,” he begged, “and I will pay back everything.” The servant’s master took pity on him, cancelled the debt and let him go.
‘But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him and began to choke him. “Pay back what you owe me!” he demanded.
‘His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, “Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.”
‘But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.
‘Then the master called the servant in. “You wicked servant,” he said, “I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.
‘This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.’
Reflecting together
Earlier in Matthew’s Gospel we hear Jesus say, “So, in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”
- What do you think this means?
- Did the servant in the story follow this rule? What should he have done differently?
- Do you think forgiving is easy? What about if we have to do it lots of times?
Every time we say sorry to God he forgives us. That’s such a special thing to know. (It doesn’t mean we can just go and be naughty though!) It does mean though that we shoudl forgive everyone when they say sorry to us – every time!
Praying together
You will need:
- Coloured paper
- Pen or pencil
- Scissors
Draw around your hand and cut it out.
Write or draw on each finger one thing that you can do to follow the rule. It might be to be kind, helpful, generous, patient, forgiving or something else.
Ask God to help you to remember to do these things time and time and time again!
Finishing together
The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow with hope.
Blow out the candle.