Wrth y bwrdd
Addoliad syml ar yr aelwyd ac mewn Eglwys Iau ar gyfer teuluoedd ifanc
Ail Sul yr Ystwyll
Medru coelio
Ymlonyddu gyda'n gilydd
1. Goleuwch gannwyll.
2. Darllenwch:
A dywedodd Duw, "Bydded goleuni." A bu goleuni. Gwelodd Duw fod y goleuni yn dda; a gwahanodd Duw y goleuni oddi wrth y tywyllwch. A bu hwyr a bu bore, y dydd cyntaf.
Genesis 1:3-5
Dyma’r dydd y gweithredodd yr Arglwydd; gorfoleddwn a llawenhawn ynddo.
Salm 118:24
Trafod gyda'n gilydd
Sawl bys sydd gen ti? Sut wyt ti'n gwybod? Gelli eu gweld!
Faint o galonnau a sawl ymennydd sydd gan octopws? Sut wyt ti'n gwybod? Wyt ti erioed wedi eu gweld? Mae gwyddonwyr yn dweud wrthym (3 calon a 9 ymennydd!).
Pa liw yw dy waed? Sut wyt ti'n gwybod?
Ydy aer yn real? Sut wyt ti'n gwybod? Elli di ei weld?
Sut olwg sydd ar gariad? Elli di ei weld?
Oes rhaid i ni allu gweld rhywbeth i wybod ei fod yn real - i gredu ynddo?
Darllen gyda'n gilydd
Galw Philip a Nathanael
Trannoeth, penderfynodd Iesu ymadael a mynd i Galilea. Cafodd hyd i Philip, ac meddai wrtho, “Canlyn fi.”
Gŵr o Bethsaida, tref Andreas a Pedr, oedd Philip. Cafodd Philip hyd i Nathanael a dweud wrtho, “Yr ydym wedi darganfod y gŵr yr ysgrifennodd Moses yn y Gyfraith amdano, a'r proffwydi hefyd, Iesu fab Joseff o Nasareth.”
Dywedodd Nathanael wrtho, “A all dim da ddod o Nasareth?”
“Tyrd i weld,” ebe Philip wrtho.
Gwelodd Iesu Nathanael yn dod tuag ato, ac meddai amdano, “Dyma Israeliad gwerth yr enw, heb ddim twyll ynddo.”
Gofynnodd Nathanael iddo, “Sut yr wyt yn f'adnabod i?”
Atebodd Iesu ef: “Gwelais di cyn i Philip alw arnat, pan oeddit dan y ffigysbren.” “Rabbi,” meddai Nathanael wrtho, “ti yw Mab Duw, ti yw Brenin Israel.”
Atebodd Iesu ef: “A wyt yn credu oherwydd i mi ddweud wrthyt fy mod wedi dy weld dan y ffigysbren? Cei weld pethau mwy na hyn.” Ac meddai wrtho, “Yn wir, yn wir, rwy'n dweud wrthych, cewch weld y nef wedi agor, ac angylion Duw yn esgyn ac yn disgyn ar Fab y Dyn.”
Ioan 1:43-51
Myfyrio gyda'n gilydd
Pan fyddwch chi'n dod o hyd i rywbeth newydd neu anhygoel, a ydych chi'n cadw'n dawl neu a ydych chi'n gwahodd pawb i ddod i'w weld?
Ar ddechrau'r stori heddiw fe wnaethon ni ddarllen am Iesu yn dweud wrth Philip am ei ddilyn. Credai Philip mai mab Duw oedd Iesu. Y peth nesaf mae Philip yn ei wneud yw gwahodd ei ffrind Nathanael i “ddod i weld”.
Ydych chi erioed wedi gwahodd rhywun i ddod i weld rhywbeth? Ydych chi erioed wedi gwahodd rhywun i ddod i weld Iesu fel y gwnaeth Philip?
Rhieni - does gan blant ddim cywilydd wrth ein gwahodd i "ddod i weld"! Rydym yn cael ein gwahodd sawl gwaith y dydd i “ddod i weld / edrych arna fi'n neidio; ar fy llun; y pry cop; fi'n rhedeg; ar y brycheuyn bach o lwch; ar beth alla i' wneud. Pam ydyn ni, fel oedolion, yn ei chael hi mor anodd i wahodd pobl i “ddod i weld”?
Gweddio gyda'n gilydd
Rydyn ni'n dal yn weddol gynnar i 2021. Mae yna lawer o amser eleni i ddysgu pethau newydd am Dduw.
Beth hoffech chi ei wybod am Dduw?
Efallai eich bod chi eisiau gwybod mwy am yr hyn a ddywedodd Duw. Efallai yr hoffech wybod mwy am y gwyrthiau a wnaeth Iesu. Beth am y pethau mae Duw eisiau inni eu gwneud?
Mae hwn yn weithgaredd gweddi a fydd yn para trwy'r flwyddyn!
- Dewch o hyd i flwch. Gallai fod yn flwch esgidiau gwag, blwch grawnfwyd, blwch pren, neu yn jar fawr hyd yn oed. Addurnwch ef gyda'i gilydd.
- Bob tro, eleni, pan fyddwch chi'n darganfod neu'n dysgu rhywbeth newydd am Dduw, ysgrifennwch ef ar ddarn o bapur a'i roi yn y blwch.
- Trwy gydol y flwyddyn bydd llawer o gyfleoedd i wahodd eraill i “ddod i weld” y pethau rydych chi wedi'u dysgu a'u gwahodd i ddod i'r eglwys gyda chi. Byddwn yn ceisio eich atgoffa i wneud hynny hefyd.
Gorffen gyda'n gilydd
Bydded i Dduw, ffynhonnell gobaith, eich llenwi â phob llawenydd a thangnefedd wrth ichwi arfer eich ffydd, nes eich bod, trwy nerth yr Ysbryd Glân, yn gorlifo â gobaith.
Diffoddwch y gannwyll.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am Wrth y bwrdd, Llythyr yr Esgob a chyhoeddiadau esgobaethol
At the table
Simple worship at home and at Junior Church for young families
Second Sunday of Epiphany
Is seeing believing, or is believing seeing?
Stilling together
1. Light a candle.
2. Read:
God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, and God saw the light was good, and he separated light from darkness. So evening came, and morning came; it was the first day.
Genesis 1: 3-5
This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118: 24
Discussing together
How many fingers do you have? How do you know? You can see them!
How many hearts and brains does an octopus have? How do you know? Have you ever seen them? Scientists tell us (3 hearts and 9 brains!).
What colour is your blood? How do you know?
Is air real? How do you know? Can you see it?
What does love look like? Can you see it?
Do you have to be able to see something to know that it is real – to believe in it?
Reading together
Calling Philip and Nathanael
The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, “Follow me.”
Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
“Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked.
“Come and see,” said Philip.
When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”
“How do you know me?” Nathanael asked.
Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.”
Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”
Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.” He then added, “Very truly I tell you, youwill see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’the Son of Man.”
John 1:43-51
Reflecting together
When you find something new or amazing do you keep it secret or do you invite everyone to come and see it?
At the start of the story today we read about Jesus telling Philip to follow him. Philip believed that Jesus was God’s son. The next thing Philip does is to invite his friend Nathanael to “come and see”.
Have you ever invited someone to come and see something? Have you ever invited someone to come and see Jesus like Philip did?
(*Parents – children have no shame in inviting us to ‘come and see’! We are invited several times a day to “come and see/look at: me jump; my picture; the spider; me run; the tiny speck of dust; what I can do. Why can we, as adults, find it so difficult to invite people to “come and see”?)
Praying together
We are still fairly early into 2021. There’s lots of time this year to learn new things about God.
What would you like to know about God?
Maybe you want to know more about what God said. Perhaps you’d like to know more about the miracles Jesus did. What about the things God wants us to do?
This is a prayer activity that will last all year!
- Find a box. It could be an empty shoe box, a cereal box, a wooden box or it could even be a large jar. Decorate it together.
- Each time, this year, when you find out or learn something new about God write it on a piece of paper and put it into the box.
- Throughout the year there will be lots of opportunities to invite others to “come and see” the things you have learned and to invite them to come to church with you. We’ll try and remind you to do so too.
Finishing together
The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow with hope.
Blow out the candle.