Wrth y bwrdd gyda'n gilydd
Addoliad syml ar yr aelwyd ar gyfer teuluoedd ifanc
Ymlonyddu gyda'n gilydd
1. Goleuwch gannwyll
2. Darllenwch Genesis 1: 3-5 a Salm 118: 24 o Feibl o'ch dewis
"A dywedodd Duw, “Bydded goleuni.” A bu goleuni. Gwelodd Duw fod y goleuni yn dda; a gwahanodd Duw y goleuni oddi wrth y tywyllwch. A bu hwyr a bu bore, y dydd cyntaf."
"Dyma’r dydd y gweithredodd yr Arglwydd; gorfoleddwn a llawenhawn ynddo."
Darllen gyda'n gilydd
Darllenwch, allan o Feibl o'ch dewis,
Exodus 2: 1-10
Dyma stori Moses yn cael ei roi mewn basged yn yr afon i'w amddiffyn rhag milwyr Pharo.
Trafod gyda'n gilydd
1. Pa 'emojis' byddai Mam Moses wedi defnyddio yn ystod y stori hon? Beth am y cymeriadau arall?
2. Cafodd Moses ei roi mewn basged. Mae hyn yn cael ei alw'n 'arch' ambell waith. Pa storïau eraill sydd yn y Beibl gydag arch neu gwch? Beth ddigwyddodd?
3. Pwy ofalodd am y baban Moses? Pwy sy'n gofalu amdanat ti?
Creu gyda'n gilydd
Basged plât papur
Bydd angen:
- Platiau papur neu cylchoedd o bapur
- Gwlân, string neu rhuban
- Siswrn
Torrwch 'slitiau' o gwmpas y plât gan greu 9 'tab'. Defnyddiwch y gwlân i wau o gwmpas gan dynnu'r ochrau i fyny wrth weithio o gwmpas. Clymwch y gwlân yn ofalus i orffen. Trafodwch y pethau sbesial byddech am roi o fewn basged i ofalu amdano.
Gweddïo gyda'n gilydd
Rhowch diolch i Dduw am yr holl bobl sy'n edrych ar ein hôl. Efallai yr wythnos hon gallwn gweddïo am yr holl doctoriaid a'r nyrsys sydd yn gweithio yn galed iawn i edrych ar ôl yr holl bobl sâl ar hyn o bryd.
Gorffen gyda'n gilydd
"Bydded i Dduw, ffynhonnell gobaith, eich llenwi â phob llawenydd a thangnefedd wrth ichwi arfer eich ffydd, nes eich bod, trwy nerth yr Ysbryd Glân, yn gorlifo â gobaith."
Daw'r gweddïau ar gyfer Ymlonyddu Gyda'n Gilydd a Gorffen gyda'n Gilydd o Lyfr yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Gweddi Gyffredin i Weddi Ddyddiol 2009. Os hoffech chi ddefnyddio gweddïau gwahanol gallwch ddod o hyd i'r amlinelliad llawn yma.
Rydym yn gobeithio cynhyrchu Wrth y bwrdd gyda'n gilydd bob wythnos tra'n bod yn ymatal rhag addoli ar y cyd. Ein gobaith yw cadw mor syml a phosib gan ddefnyddio gwrthrychau ac adnoddau sydd gan teuluoedd ifanc yn barod neu sy'n hawdd i'w hymgynnull. Os oes gennych unrhyw syniadau plîs anfonwch nhw at Naomi Wood.
Together at the table
Simple worship at home for young families
Stilling together
1. Light a candle
2. Read Genesis 1: 3-5 and Psalm 118: 24 from a Bible of your choice.
"God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light, and God saw the light was good, and he separated light from darkness. So evening came, and morning came; it was the first day."
"This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Read together
Read, from a Bible of your choice
Exodus 2: 1-10.
This is the story of Moses being placed in a basket in the river to protect him from being killed by Pharaoh's soldiers.
Talk together
1. What emojis might Moses' Mum have used during this story? What about the other characters?
2. Moses' Mum put him in a basket. This is sometimes called an 'ark'. Can you think of other stories in the Bible that have an ark or boats? What happened in them?
3. Who cared for baby Moses? Who cares for you?
Create together
Paper plate baskets
You will need:
- Paper plates or circles of paper
- Wool, string or ribbon
- Scissors
Cut slits around the plate to create about 9 tabs. Use the wool to weave around the basket, pulling up the sides as you go. Tie off the wool carefully to finish.
As you make them discuss what special things you might put into the basket to keep them safe.
Pray together
Say thank you to God for all the people who look after us. Perhaps this week we can pray for all the doctors and nurses who are working so hard to look after all the people who are ill at this time.
Finish together
"The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow with hope."
Both the Stilling Together and Closing Together prayers are taken from the Church in Wales' Book of Common Prayer for Daily Prayer 2009. If you'd like to use a different prayer you can find the full outline here.
We hope to prepare Together at the table each week while public worship is suspended. Our aim is to make them as simple as possible using objects and items most young families may already have at home or can easily access. If you have any craft ideas or suggestions please do send them to Naomi Wood.