Sul y Galwedigaethau 2023
Dydd Sul 30 Ebrill
Mae Duw yn galw pawb i'w wasanaethu.
Mae Sul y Galwedigaethau yn gyfle i weddïo am gynnydd mewn galwedigaethau i weinidogaethau Cristnogol ac i annog pawb i fyfyrio ar alwad Duw ar eu bywyd ac i ystyried i ba bethau newydd maent yn cael eu galw. Mae’r adnoddau dwyieithog hyn wedi’u cynllunio i helpu i hwyluso gweddïo, addoli a myfyrio ar alwedigaeth a gweinidogaeth ar Sul y Galwedigaethau, a thrwy gydol y flwyddyn.
Vocations Sunday 2023
Sunday 30 April
God calls everyone to serve.
Vocations Sunday is an opportunity to pray for an increase in vocations to Christian ministries and to encourage everyone to reflect on God's call on their life and to consider what new things they may be being called into. These bilingual resources are designed to help facilitate prayer, worship and reflection on vocation and ministry on Vocations Sunday, and throughout the year.